Wednesday, May 3, 2017

9 Essential MUST HAVES in Your Medicine Cabinet.

9 Essential MUST HAVES for Your Medicine Cabinet.

Activated Charcoal - Must HAVE

  1. Alleviates Gas & Bloating- it really relieves gas pain and settles sour tummy!
  2. Treats Alcohol Poisoning & Helps Prevent Hangovers
  3. Mold Cleansing

Dr. AXE says... Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores. Typically, however, it’s not used when petroleum, alcohol, lye, acids or other corrosive poisons are ingested.

It doesn’t absorb the toxins, however. Instead it works through the chemical process of adsorption. In the body, absorption is the reaction of elements, including nutrients, chemicals and toxins, soaked up and assimilated into the blood streamAdsorption is the chemical reaction where elements bind to a surface.

The porous surface of activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gas to bond with it. The nooks and crannies in activated charcoal are created through a heating process. It’s important to note that activated charcoal is not charcoal used in your barbecue grill! Barbecue charcoal is loaded with toxins and chemicals, and should never be consumed.
Golden Seal

  1. Sinus Conditions
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  3. Allergy Prevention
  4. Fever Reduction: While a fever does signal that the body is fighting off an infection, ongoing fevers can exhaust the body, cause dehydration, and even brain damage in extreme cases. Goldenseal can effectively lower fevers and reduce the strain on the body during prolonged illnesses.

Parasitic Issues: Parasitic worms are not a huge problem in the western world, but they are still a major threat in places that don’t have access to clean water; the anthelmintic properties of goldenseal can help to starve the intestinal worms and cause them to die, where they will then be passed from the system via normal routes (it also acts like a laxative, making this elimination even easier).

Colloidal silver is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).

  1. Antibacterial
  2. Wound Care/Skin Health
  3. Antiviral

How Colloidal Silver Benefits Work 

According to a report written by Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of The Silver Institute in a 1996, there are three primary ways that colloidal silver can help heal the body: 
  1. Catalytic Oxidation: Silver naturally holds onto oxygen molecules, which readily react with the sulfhydral (H) groups that surround bacterial and viruses. In turn, this helps block the life-preserving cellular process known as cellular respiration, which is defined as “the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.” 
  2. Reaction with Bacterial Cell Membranes: Silver ions can attach to bacteria cell membranes directly and produce the same respiration-blocking effect.
  1. Binding with DNA: Shown to literally enter bacteria DNA, up to 12% of silver has been detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to one source, “While it remains unclear exactly how the silver binds to the DNA without destroying the hydrogen bonds holding the lattice together, it nevertheless prevents the DNA from unwinding, an essential step for cellular replication to occur.”

We use Silver the minute we start to feel a cold trying to take hold...after a day of Silver the cold rarely wins!!!


Oil of Oregano 

  1. Immune System Support
  2. Protection Against Harmful Organisms

If you haven't experienced OoO just know that it is powerful and tastes awful and can be rather traumatic if you put the drops in water or juice!  i recommend using tablets for first timers!  I do highly recommend adding oil of oregano to your arsenal of natural healing tools, as it has a wide range of uses. This herbal oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off infections. antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.

**In addition to its reputation as a natural immune booster, oregano oil also packs a punch against unwanted body fat. Its main active ingredient, carvacrol, is thought to modulate genes and reduce irritation in white adipose tissue. In one study, when fed a high-fat diet, mice not given carvacrol quickly became obese. In contrast, mice given carvacrol gained significantly less weight and even had lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood.

Elder Berry 

Health benefits of the elder plant include naturally improving colds, the flu, sinus issues, nerve pain, inflammation, chronic fatigue, allergies, constipation and even cancer. When used within the first 48 hours of onset of symptoms, the extract has actually been found to reduce the duration of the flu with symptoms being relieved on an average of four days earlier. During the 1995 Panama flu epidemic, the government actually employed the use of     
                                                                        the elderberry to fight the flu.

It gets better. When it comes antioxidant power, elderberry is higher in flavonoids than blueberries, cranberries, goji berries and blackberries.
Homemade Elderberry Syrup

  • 3.5 cups cold water
  • 2 cups organic dried elderberries
  • 1 tablespoon fresh or dried organic ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon organic cinnamon powder or 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup raw honey
  1. Bring mixture to a boil.
  1. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for about 40–45 minutes or until the liquid has reduced by about half.
  1. Remove from heat and mash the berries.
  1. Pour through a strainer or cheesecloth into a glass bowl. If you use a cheesecloth, make sure to squeeze out the juice.
  1. Add honey and stir until well-combined.
  1. Bottle final product in a sterilized glass container.

Pour water into saucepan and add elderberries, ginger and cinnamon.

Elderberry tea is another great option. You can either buy teabags or you can purchase dried berries or flowers and make a tea by combining one tablespoon of berries or flowers with eight ounces of water.


Mullein flowers, leaves and root can be used to aid in respiratory issues such as chest colds, asthma and bronchitis.

"Both the leaves and flowers contain mucilage, which is soothing to irritated membranes, and saponins, which make coughs more productive. Research has shown that the herb has strong anti-inflammatory activity, and lab studies suggest that mullein flower infusions have antiviral properties."

Mullein leaf tea will help to clear your lungs and open the air ways to help you breath.  The use of Mullein flowers can help to relax you and to aid in restful sleep.  Make a tea of the leaves and flowers for a restful night.  A tea of the flowers will help relieve pain and can induce sleep.  

For external inflammations or skin conditions that cause pain us the tea mixed with vinegar and water to relieve the skin.

If you haven't time for tea, then the use of a tincture will work just as well!  You can get Mullein tinctures and dried leaves from your Local CO-OP or health food store.  We are currently in the process of brewing Fresh Mullein tinctures. We do however carry Mullein leaves here:

The recipes below can be helpful:
1.  Steep 1 tsp. of leaves and flowers in 1 cup of water.  Drink twice a day.

You can also use Mullein leaves to smoke in a pipe!!


I first used this herb when I was living on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Every Sunday I would go to the Makuu Farmers Market to buy all of the delicious hydroponic veggies grown on the Hamakua Coast.  Once my face was recognized and conversations took place, I was accepted as part of the Clan.  (Was later given honorary Hawaiian status by Uncle Kaliko!)). Some of the local Aunties had terrible soars on the lower legs, and knowing that I was the Herb Doctor they asked that I help.  I was more than willing to oblige their request.  I loved them so, taking me into their tribe and treating me as family and all.  After asking a series of questions about their diet, exercise, living situations I surmised that the skin lesions were a results of internal issues rather than a topical skin issue.  It would take a power herb to punch those infectious wounds right the hell out.  Enter the powerhouse Burdock.

 Burdock is one of the best blood purifiers.  It can also reduce swelling on joints and help rid calcification deposits.  Burdock promotes healthy kidney function to help clear our blood of harmful acids.  Burdock helps to metabolism carbohydrates with inulin, a form of starch.  Other uses for Burdock is when mixed with Sassafras and used as a tea it can soothe  our hypothalamus gland and it aids the pituitary gland.  It helps to release an ample supply of protein to adjust hormone balance in our bodies.  Pretty damned cool wouldn't you say.  Just so you know... A healthy pituitary gland helps in regulating weight...

While living in Atlanta and working at a local Health Food Store I also suggested Burdock tea to another gentleman that had a poor diet, overweight and skin issues.  We as with the Hawaiian Aunties, surmised an internal issue rather than a topical issue.  He drank 2 cups of Burdock tea a day for a month and his skin healed.  He also was inspired to eat better and put in a little exercise.  This power from Mother Nature is real y'all.   

To make a Burdock tea simple take the dried root 2 teaspoons to 8oz of hot water and enjoy.  

The topical I made was a mixture of Burdock root, tea tree and golden seal.  It is used as a poltice on the wounds.  

  1. Burdock hair rinses can be made to help with dandruff.
  2. Burdock tea can be used as a mouth rinse for canker sores.


Yarrow is used as a tonic in helping to regulate the functions of the liver.  It tones the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels and heals the gladular system.  It acts as a blood cleanser and opens pores to permit perspiration for elimination of waste.  It relieves the kidneys and can help with incontinence.  Use of the leaves helps in blood clotting on wounds.  

Although I prefer the use of Comfrey root or leaf to heal wounds, Yarrow leaf can also be used on cuts, not only for healing but in clotting and to stop bleeding when used externally.  

For we women with painful menstrual cycles and clotting, Yarrow will help with easing cramping.  Either taken as a tea or in a sitz bath, yarrow helps to relieve clotting and will stimulate bleeding.  Because it stimulates bleeding and releases clots the painful process we suffer at the beginning of our moon cycle can be substantially eased by taking Yarrow as a tea.   I have used yarrow with all three of our daughters.  When I can wrestle the grumpy emotional, hormonal drama queens down during their moon cycles, they experience relief of cramping and bleed with more ease. Drink Yarrow tea twice a day the day before and during the first two days of your moon cycle.  Use 1 tablespoon of herb to 8oz of hot water and steep.  You can also make a tincture.  The video link give instructions on How to Make A Yarrow Tincture.

NOTE ***  because Yarrow tones the mucous membrane of the stomach it is great for bowel cramping as well.  It aids in digestion, bloating and gas issues.  


I have always loved this herb and the flower would make a great addition to any garden.  

To make a tea:  Boil 10 ounces of water.  Once to a boil turn off heat.  Use one teaspoon of dried Echinacea, add to water and steep for 10 minutes.  Drain with a strainer into your cup and enjoy.  I like to add agave to mine sometimes.  

This is our friend Echinacea!  Echinacea is one of the best herbs that you can use for maintenance  for your immune system.   And with Spring in bloom and summer coming it would be a good idea to begin boosting your system!

Echinacea stimulates the immune response and increases your bodies ability to resist infections.  Echinacea can improve the lymphatic filtration and drainage...which we all need after a really long winter!  Echinacea can also remove toxins from the blood.  It supports white blood cell activity!

This King of the Blood Purifiers is considered a non-toxic way of cleaning out your system! You can use Echinacea as a natural antibiotic on the daily to support you system.

Echinacea can be purchased as a tea, tablets or in a tincture.  I prefer tinctures but the tea is quite lovely too!  You can get Echinacea products from Health Food or Herb Stores.  Like most herbs, if you choose to boost your system, use the tea or tincture on a 3 on 1 off system.  Meaning three weeks on and take a week off the herb.  Allow your body to process over that week.  You don't want to tox your system.  

**Always use herbs safely, look for the contraindications, and ask your doctor if you are taking meds.

As always, Thank you for reading our blog faithfully!  We really enjoy spreading good natural remedies!  Please feel free to comment or ask questions!  Also remember to Plus One this Blog Post on Google Plus!

We Love You! 

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