Monday, October 31, 2016

De-Liver Me repairing, detoxing and maintaining a healthy Liver.

Milk Thistle Flower

This is a short but sweet blog post.  It's really simple because if your liver isn't functioning correctly you get sick or die.  So here's  a story.

When we lived on the Big Island of Hawaii, Saint built houses and we did landscaping for a few select clients. Because we are good at what we do we were referred to a couple that had just purchased a home and land on the Hilo side in Paradise park.  They had 4 acres of land that they wanted landscaped.  So we took the job.  When you spend a lot of time on one job you get to know the people you work with.  This retired couple were really friendly and pretty cool.  I noticed that the husband had signs of... Well that he liked to drink a lot.  You know the look.  The red puffy eyes and swollen face with the redish/bluish veined nose.  We also noticed that we were invited to cocktail hour everyday at 5pm.  These folks really really enjoyed their drink.  

Well about half way through the project the couple left for a cruise adventure and upon their return two weeks later they looked pretty awful.  The wife of the couple described the cruise experience as one drunken blur.  She asked me if there was someway they could release the alcohol and cleanse their livers.  In my mind I was thinking they should spend some serious time drying out and maybe rehab... But who am I too judge?  I had a long love affair with John Barley Corn myself.  So, I did suggest they dry out for a week and drink plenty of water.  I also made a tincture of Milk Thistle and prepared individual batches of Milk Thistle capsules for each of them.

Here is the scoop on Milk Thistle.  This herb plays a Major role in protecting, rejuvenating and restoration of liver function.  For those of you that aren't hip to this, alcohol damages your liver.  Our liver is one of the major necessary organs that we absolutely have to have functioning correctly in order to live.  Milk Thistle can block the damage and regenerate the liver cells.  

Miilk Thistle seed

It has an overall effect on our bodies because of its function of protecting the immune system in which our liver is part. Milk Thistle is an antioxidant that protects against free radical scavengers.  It also helps to prevent plaque buildup and the hardening of the arteries.  According to Today's Herbal Health, 

"Milk Thistle is rich in bioflavonoids which act in the body to increase membrane strength and reduce membrane permeability.  It stimulates protein synthesis, while accelerating the process of the liver regeneration in damaged tissue."  

This is a pretty powerful and necessary herb for our healing.  Alcohol is not the only agent that damages our livers.  It is the first to come to mind because of the regular use in our society.  Prescription drugs, aspirin, pain killers, headache relief medication, fatty and fried foods are some other liver damaging components.  

Milk Thistle Herb

Milk Thistle can be taken in capsule, tea or tincture form.  Here is a video on how to make your own Milk Thistle tincture and how to also finish the process.  How to make a Milk Thistle Tincture: .  How to process the tincture after it has brewed: .

You can get Milk Thistle tea, capsules and tinctures from Health Foods stores.  

When preparing a Milk Thistle tea use 2 teaspoons of the herb to 8oz of water and drink once a day.  Use for three weeks on and a week off.

Tinctures and capsules have specific instructions on the bottles.  Our tinctures are pretty potent so we recommend 10 a15 drops in warm or cold water once a day.

So about that Hawaii couple. They decided to dry up for a month and rehab their livers using the Milk  Thistle I had prepared for them... And although they still indulged in the drink, they got better and eased off their alcoholic intake.

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