Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Comfrey for pain and healing broken bones!

Comfrey Root and Leaf for Medicinal Purpose

This massively valuable herb has been used for centuries with great success as a wound healer and bone knitter.  It feeds the pituitary gland with its natural hormone and helps to strengthen the skeletal system.  It helps in the calcium-phosphorus balance by promoting strong bones and skin.  It helps promote the secretion of pepsin.  It is one of the finest healers.  Although the argument still stands whether or not Comfrey should be taken internally, externally it has proven its healing abilities.

Our Native American brothers and sisters used Comfrey Root to heal wound and broken bones.  A poultice of crushes comfrey root and leaves are applied to the wound or break, then wrapped in tobacco leaf. Healing begins almost immediately.  I am using a poultice (as I type with one hand) now on my broken left wrist.  Pain is dramatically decreased where the break is and swelling is going down with the aid of ice wraps.  We have also used a comfrey salve, that we make, on cuts Saint has incurred while carving. His cuts heal in days.  

Comfrey root is also used as a tincture for sore muscles or joint pain.  This application of Comfrey is best used as a tincture.  In the video below I show you How to make a Comfrey Leaf tincture that you can use to rub and massgae your sore spots!

How to make a Comfrey Leaf Tincture: http://youtu.be/0xOQOsdDYKY

Now you know by now that I was going to give you the low down on Comfrey Roots magical uses as well.  In Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure we use Comfrey to aid in magic with gambling and with safe travel!  In another blog post we discuss the energy that herbs have and how we can harness that power.  Read it here:  http://workwithdynamicduo1014.blogspot.com/2015/02/how-to-use-special-herbs-in-your-life.html Copy and paste the link to read the post if the link isn't active.  I am not a techie but do my best to simplify!!  

For those that like to gamble.  Toulosse and I gamble.  It's fun.  We also throw down Mojo whenever we gamble, be it poker, see low or playing the lottery.  We have several methods and some work better than others.  Lady Luck is fickle but loves to be bribed and coaxed!  

To prepare your gambling money do this:

Dress a Comfrey leaf in a Money Drawing Oil and wrap the leaf around your money.  Be certain to fold it toward you.  You want to draw the energy to you not away from you!  Keep the money this way for three days or until you plan to use it in your games.  You can use dried Comfrey leaf the same as above and use the dried herb in your wallet mixed with Bergamot to draw money to you!!

Saint Christopher 

Comfrey is also used in Hoodoo to ward off evil and those ill fated strangers that may cross you while you travel and provides safe travel.  Simply place the root in a red flannel Mojo bag, dress it with Van Van Oil and keep it with you while you travel.  Feed it each week with Van Van Oil while you are away to keep the magic alive.  

Our Mama provides us all the power of the Universe... (Did He-Man pop into your head?) 
We just have to use it.

For other protective herbs and talismans read this blog post : 

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Toulousse and Saint   
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