Friday, February 24, 2017

Use of Psalms in Hoodoo Conjure and Rootwork.. Make it real.

In Hoodod Conjure and Rootwork the Book of Psalms is often used in ritual or magical working as well as daily guidance in ones affairs.  The Book of Psalms was written by King David to God.  The Book tells the story of a King and his relationship with God.  We get to witness a man's journey in life and how he uses the power and energy of his faith to live.  It Is wonderful to witness his emotional journey and to really see a human being in all of our ugliness,failure and triumph.  I admire King David and love reading the Psalms.  It is a poet book that reveals our humanness. King David expressed his heart and desires and left us an open Book of how we can use God and His power as a gift.  We have the opportunity to be real in all of our facets and not be ashamed of our imperfect selves.  In this Book we can call upon the magic and use it to power our lives even to transformation.  The Book of Psalms references for this blog post can be used as a guide to help encompass the power behind the words to aid you in your life as well as in your magical workings.  Read on and enjoy.


I believe in our journey through life, one of the most important things we need to do on a daily basis until the issue is resolved is to first Forgive ourselves.  We have all done unsavory things in one form or another and harbor tremendous guilt because of it.  This guilt keeps us from our potential and our gifts.  This guilt stands in the way of our relationships not only with other people but with ourselves and our Gods.  In order to clear ourselves of this albatross we must take the time to reconcile with ourselves so that we can move forward and truly live our purpose.  King David was a scoundrel.  Point blank.  He did some terrible things and was still the apple of God's eye.  So no matter what you have done, take the time to forgive and reconcile with yourself.  We are given guidance in the Book of Psalms and in Hoodoo practice with the use of Psalms 25.  Read this verse as you exam your wrong doings and take to heart as it is stated in this reference : Power's of the Psalms, " take heart from this Psalms, put transgression behind and continue in the knowledge that God is love, and love of oneself is essential before we can truly love others".  This is a powerful step in your magical process.  Energy cannot flow when blocked.  Release it and begin your true journey.  Harness the power and use it in your magical workings as it will flow through you naturally.  The Power Is Yours.


We are further comforted in Psalms 40.  When prayed with confidence in times of frustration or to petition assistance this Psalms packs a powerful punch indeed.  You will be answered quickly and with anointing of the forehead with Holy Oil it will swiftly help the one who prays this fervently.  

Most of us have fear and anxiety living in and amongst us.  It seems as though our society is thriving on it.  Everywhere we turn we are bombarded with fearful information of either, loss, bodily harm, poverty, ridicule, illness, imprisonment of one form or another!  Again, this fear and anxiety stands in the way of our true potential and in our relationship with ourselves, our loved ones and the world.  We cannot truly live and hear the gentle call of our souls when we imprison her in fear and anxiety.  The tangled thorny roots will block our sun and choke out our very life.  Again, the wisdom of King David comes into play in Psalms 138.  A Hoodoo practice to relieve your fear and anxiety is to light a red candle and bask in the glow while repeating the Psalm.  Concentrate particularly on verse 7 which states, "though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me, thou shall stretch forth thine hands against the rath of mine enemies and thou right hand shall save me."  Repeat this verse with confidence until your composure and tranquilly are restored.  Move on in confidence that you have released your fear and anxiety and can walk in the light of your shining soul.  


We all have people in or around our lives the reek havoc!  In reading the Psalms King David cries out to God often to send the power to vanquish his enemies.  He has straight out requested God to kill his enemies.  And his request was granted.  I'm not even hinting of murder.  Let's get that straight.  What I am suggesting is that you also are granted the power of God to use against your enemies.  There are several versus in Psalms of this nature and there is a comprehensive reference that I will give mention of later that will give you the power you need.  I like the use of Psalms 83.  This powerful Psalm along with the below Hoodo ritual will guanartee your request when followed.   

What you will need:

A black candle
A pen
Parchment paper
A needle or pin
Psalms 83

Cleanse the area where you are working with the sage.  Get into your meditative state for the working.  Take your black candle and etch the name of your enemy in it with the pin.  Write it from the bottom of the candle to the top as in drawing this person away from you.  If you have and appropriate dressing oil then use it by dressing the candle in strokes moving away from you.  On the parchment paper write the name of your enemy and place it under the black candle.  Be certain that the candle is in a holder and that you have created a fire proof area.  Light the candle and read Psalms 83 completely.  Extinguish the candle.  Repeat the ritual daily until the enemy is gone from your life.  

Psalms 83 as stated in "the Powerof the Pslams"' can be read each evening to keep your enemies at bay.


Simply put this Psalms 23 brings you peace.  Verse 6 especially will calm you down just in the fact of God's infinite wisdom and mercy.  Read this Psalms in the warm glow of candle light.  Meditate on the words of King David and channel the conviction he held.  Breath this Psalm into your being and literally absorb its poetic meaning of infinite love and comfort.  What else do you need.  When truth is spoken and absorbed into our cells we live and breath its meaning.  Use this Psalm in moments of loneliness, toward being filled with peace and for serenity of mind.  Drink it in and become what you seek.


Why hold back now?  You've put in the work and you have cleared your rough past to assure a bright future.  This Psalm speaks to our joy.  We are supposed to be joyous and free.  Celebrate your joyous birthright.  Upon rising every morning recite Psalms 98.

PSALMS 98 Listen to the words of King David and be Inspired

1.  O sing unto the lord a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: his right hand and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.

2.  The Lord has made know his salvation, his righteousness. Hath he openly showed in the sight of the heathen.

3.  He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all of the ends of the earth have seen The Salvation of our God.

4.  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth; make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.

5.  Sing unto the Lord with the Harp, and the voice of a psalm.

6.  With trumpets and the cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.

7.  Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell within.

8.  Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be joyful together,

9.  Before the Lord; for he hath come to judge the earth, with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.

Sounds like a party to me.  Bask in the knowledge that your are wonderfully created and shine through all of the circumstance you face!

We have discussed realising negativity within ourselves, ridding ourselves of negative energy from enemies to clear our paths to Peace, Serentiy and Joy!  What a beautiful way to use King David's poetic book of his life experience.  

And yet there is so much more.  Let's talk a little bit about financial success and some luck!  


We all want to be financially secure, the degree is up to you.  Some of us want and require much.  There are those that Enjoy a more simple existence with the realization that family, love and nature are where true happiness really exists.  Whatever you need you can manifest it in your life with true intent and putting in the work.  There are no handouts in life... Really.  Life is about give and take.  And truly what you put into something you get an equal or greater return.  King David wrote Psalms 26 asking God to exam his heart and his intention.  He is asking God to,recognize his effort and to grace him.  We can do the same self examination and discover where our true desires exist.  Once you have made your search take a moment to read Psalms 26.  We Hoodoo practitioners use this Psalm to request grace in any new undertaking.  There are more Psalms to help with financial help that you will discover on your own from the Book, Powers of the Psalms.  This treasure guides you to find help in any situation you may be faced with both negative and positive.  A Hoodoo ritual to use for financial matters is as follows:  light a green candle and pray this Psalms before entering into a new undertaking.  I like to dress my candles with the appropriate conditioning oil or herbs to draw more magical energy to channel in the ritual.  And as always have an attitude of gratitude because it will continue your walk in grace and blessing.

But what of Luck...


This is pretty cut and dry so let me just give you the Hoodoo ritual and the Psalms.  All luck comes from your own workings.  You draw to you what you put out.  The more busy you are, doing what you do in joyous splendor, the more will be attributed to you.  Thus we create our luck so get busy!  Using Psalms 65 on a weekly basis to enhance your lucky attributes and to bring grace to you and those around you is key.  Burn a purple candle and read the Psalms once every week.  Don't just simply read it.  Understand it and make it a part of your very DNA.  Put in the effort and yield the return.

Now that you have cleared your negativity and have a clear idea of what you want at this moment in your life.  You are willing to make the effort and receive blessings and use your luck... Why not share this beautiful experience with someone special.  Why not be lucky in love.  

In another blog post I introduce and give a step by step process of securing love with the use of a Corn Doll Baby.  You can read it here:

However let us discover a Psalms to use to attract the love we desire in our lives.  I have always told our daughters that the best way to discover a great mate is to look at the qualities they love in their father and uncles and to seek those qualities in a partner.  Love isn't about money or possessions.  Love is love period.  Love is a beautiful gift from God where we have the opportunity to discover ourselves, our strengths and passions with the opportunity to share it with our lover, best friend and mate.  We are bonded together in grace to cherish one another through thick and thin.  We are to sharpen each other and to develop a life of our own.  a life built of one of our own value; built on the best qualities of what we have learned from those we love and through self exploration to discover our very own beliefs and values.  Love is real and true and withstands all struggle and fear.  Love is pure and when you have it, man let me tell you, you won't let it go!  Ever!  Don't let this society or your upbringing cloud what your vision of love is, follow your pure heart!  

The Psalm used in Hoodoo practice to attract love is Psalms 111.  Remember like John Lennon spoke to us all " the love you get is equal to the love you make."  With this understand, meditate on Psalms 111 in the glow of a red candle light and focus on verse 4.  Do this meditation before you go to any social event or on a date.  Be gracious and kind for the sake of being without seeking return.  Magnitize your being.  

Also use Atrraction oil, the best made in my opinion besides my own is from Lucky Mojo.  You can find the oil on their site at  Their oils are pure and purely magical.  Use the oil to dress your candle in your meditation.  Use it to anoint yourself lightly, it's spicy!  Believe in the love in your pure heart and substitute no other.  Time is indeed linear and will come full circle for you!  

We can gather so much knowledge from King David and in the Psalms.  Where there's knowledge there is true magic.  We can draw the power to us through great intent and magical ritual as well as through meditation and simple prayer.  

One of the best reference I have in my collection is the Book " Power of the Psalms".  This is a book I use daily in my prayers and meditation.  I gather the magic from the words with added ritual and intent and develope the desires of my heart... It is promised to us all... Take it!

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Toulousse and Saint 
Toulousse and Saint's Creative Sanctuary


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