Friday, February 24, 2017

Corn Doll Babies, Poppet and Voodoo Dolls What are they for and how do I use Mine?


We have Corn Doll Babies for sale in our Etsy shop.  They are hand made to order and they are super cute and are a popular seller for our shop, and really fun to make!  Each Doll is created with care and as in the shop listing Corn Doll Baby's are also used to bless the home.  They were also used as children's toys.  In this blog post I would like to discuss another powerful use for Corn Doll Babies that most may not know about.  Below we give a detailed process of how to enliven and use your doll baby but for now It starts in England...

A doll was used as a human effigy.  It was tied to a specific person.  In order to increase the vibrational magic of the doll, something belonging to the target was added to the doll (Hair, clothing, finger or toe nails, blood, urine or other personal objects).  

In England they were coined as Poppets a derivative of Puppet.  Poppets were made of items readily available such a straw, sticks, earth and clay.  There was a specific targeted person and with ritual and prayer a desired focus was used with a poppet to either influence or direct the target to do something of the practictioners desire.  


Most of us, due to movie influences, are used to Voodoo dolls.  We imagine a wicked Witch Doctor crafting a frightening looking image of a doll and speaking a wicked spell all the while poking the doll with pins!  There would be some wild ritual connect to the scene with the use of chicken blood, burning black candles and a circle of people entranced with some form of "demonic" dancing to heavy drum music in the woods around a blazing fire.  And the intended victim would wither in pain or die in some horrific freak accident.  Although very charming of Hollywood to dramatize the scene in Voudon a West African and Haitain religion, the use of Voodoo dolls although very real and used in specific ritual and for specific targets tend to not be so glamorous.  Voodoo dolls are in use, don't get me wrong, and not always for nice outcomes.  A study in Voudon will reveal the nature of the religious practices and will shed some light into the reality behind it instead of the spun tales of Hollywood.  


In this blog I want to focus on something more close to home when it comes to Corn Doll Babies, Poppets and Doll Babies.  I want to focus on a tradition that comes from America and is very alive today.  There Is a spiritual practice that the African American community uses and can claim as a root practice from the days of slavery.  This practice directly deals with herbal medicines, conjure and the Spirit world.  Some practices include Catholic saints and candles.  Although not as ancient as some practices, this practice is alive and well and is firmly grounded in and around Christianity with an African spin or coupled with African magical practices.  I will delve further into Hoodoo History with another blog post.  But for now back to Corn Doll Babies, Poppets and Doll Babies and let us proceed with the Hoodoo doll baby.

A Hoodoo Doll Baby and its uses.  

As mentioned above a doll baby in any form or made from any material is a human effigy.  Personal items or bodily fluids are directly connect to the doll to give it power.  These dolls are used for several purposes.  In Hoodoo one would visit with a Rootworker or Conjurer for help in areas of love, luck, healing and even revenge.

Say for instance you have fallen in love with someone and you want to ensure that the relationship is receprical... You would go to your Rootworker and request a doll baby be made, and dressed with the appropriate herbs and oils to ensure the love connection.  With much focus and in some cases depending on whether your Rootworker was into Christian based Hoodoo there would be a Psalms, petition paper and prayers involved.  

Often times a doll baby would be crafted for healing purposes.  A doll would be crafted and dressed with specific oils and herbs, connected to the ill individual, prayed over and placed on an altar surrounded by white candles.  

Revenge is tricky.  And another blog post will detail revenge work and the necessary preparations for this type of work.  These dolls and the intention and focus behind these types of work or "tricks" were considered dark but doable because you are taking God's will directly into your hands and fulfilling the necessary punishment if someone done you wrong.  Now some of you may be offended at this notion... I however really dig this aspect of Hoodoo.  I like being in the drivers seat and also believe in sending negative energy back to the sender... So judge me if you will...I don't care.

My hope at this point in the blog is that you have an understanding of what these Corn Doll Babies can be and are used for.  Understand that there is a specific intent and focus and that it is very real.  Although much is given to the novelty of these dolls there is real power if the purpose and intent are there.  

At this point I want to give you a step by step process on how to make or if you have purchased a Corn Doll from our Etsy shop, use and enliven your doll for your intended purpose.  This is exciting work and oh so much fun!

You can make a doll baby aka corn doll baby, voodoo doll or poppet from cloth, corn husks, clay, sticks, wax, rope, string or yarn.  Examples above and below are given.  This is the fun creative part.  What follows is even more fun!


Once you have made or purchased your Doll Baby from our Etsy store complete the following steps in order to bring Life and purpose to your Doll Baby.

1.  Connect the personal item to your doll.  The use of personal concerns affect your doll more powerfully.  Use of the above mentioned physical choices work best but if you can only gather clothing or a photo that will suffice.  In addition to your personal item write out the intended purpose in a statement on paper and give your doll baby it's name.  You can write your statement (intended instructions) on parchment paper or like in Hoodoo on a brown paper bag. Cut the paper or tear the paper in a 4x4 square.  You can dress the statement paper with an appropriate conditioning oil.  Place the doll baby on top of the statement paper.

2.  Next is the process of baptizing your doll baby.  A little magic is needed to enliven the doll.  This is where we will capture the spirit of the person in the doll.  This could be intense and you can most certainly substitute your own ritual.  Although I am not religious I understand the power behind religion and its holy books!  For this part of the process you will need: a Bible, the doll baby, whiskey, and a Hoodoo prepared oil appropriate to your magical intent.  We make and carry them in our Etsy shop and below reference repretiable company's that carry Hoodoo products.  

Open your Bible to Genesis 2.  Place the doll baby and the paper statement on top of the opened bible face up.  Connect to the doll baby mentally and emotionally.  Use meditation or visualization techniques to connect and trace the energy back to the intended target.

Holding the doll baby over a bowl or a sink dabble a bit of whiskey over the dolls head while speaking aloud, "in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!" Substitute which ever deity or spiritual guide that you wish if you don't want to use a Christain reference.  This is a Hoodoo method that is effective!  Next recite Genesis 2:7 and pray the Lord's Prayer.  The last invocation should be said with as much power as you can muster: "you are no longer corn (or whatever material is used) you are now flesh and blood, the very body and vessel for the spirit of (the name of your target)!

3. Take the doll baby into your cradled hands and draw in a deep breath.  Exhale all fear or anything that may break your concentration.  Inhale deeply and draw the spirit of the target to you.  Draw it inside of you and as you exhale breathe over the face of your doll baby to expel the spirit of the target and speak the persons name.  Repeat the process until you feel the targets spirit captured into the doll.  

Speak, "(Name Of target) I hold you in my hands, your body is mine to control, your will is mine to affect, and your fate is mine to determine.  In the name of the Most High."

The doll baby is now enlivened.  Dress its forehead, chest, genitals, hands and feet with an appropriate condition or dressing oil.  

You can now use your doll baby in any spell work you have intended for the target.  

Treat this doll baby with care.  You have enlivened your targets spirit.  Never allow your target to touch or see the doll baby.  

Remember that the use of your doll baby whether for luck, love, healing or revenge is to be done with concise action and prayer.  If at any moment you feel something has gone array scrap it and begin again.

Set your mood and tone and let the magic begin!  

Reference and spell order from the Black Folder by cat yronwode

Get a handmade Corn Doll Baby here

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Instagram : @fireandairinacan


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