Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sweeten the Deal with Honey. You don't want to miss this one!

We have discussed that there truly is magic in the natural world.  This is beautiful and the magic is available to all of us, we are from the natural world!  Let's use the power offered.  

Have you ever wanted something so bad you could taste it.  This something is all you are able to think about.  You dream at night of having it all to yourself and can actually feel the joy in possessing it?  Your desire manifests itself in a physical yearning that is insatiable until fulfilled.  There is just one catch.  This isn't something you can go to the local market and purchase.  

Let's put this situation in a few clear scenarios shall we?

You've been working at your firm for a number of years and a promotion comes to the table.  You know in your heart of hearts that you have put in the work needed, the dedication is proven, and you have been there longest.  There isn't a sense of entitlement here but a pure heart that you are in the right place and the right time because YOU have done your best and you can literally feel that this promotion is yours.  It is written in the stars!  There is just one catch.  You are in the running with another person for the promotion!

Have you ever been sweet on someone?  Seriously?  The kind of sweet where you want to see the person everywhere you go, be it the market, bank, gym?  You create the scene in your head right?  You just happen to walking down the hippy section of the market and wow here they come around the corner.  You look up in complete surprise and give them your winning smile.  I saunter over with all the swag you can muster and deliver your best lines.  They in return respond with laughs, giggles and light touches on your arm.  It is truly a magical moment!  There is just one catch.  Your sweetheart is only partially sweet on you.

Let me pause here for a moment and tell you a true story that has happened in mine and Saint's life and is very current.  We are in a transitional period in our lives.  We both are seeking out what direction we want our lives to follow.  Neither of us are into the tradition ways of work or living in this world.  We have lived the complicated ventures in life and discovered it just ain't for us.  With our children grown and mostly on their own we have been given the freedom to finally explore our own avenues as a dynamic couple and as marvelous individuals.  We spent 3 months at a Bahamas ashram this winter clearing our Karma and getting focus on our spiritual lives.  Most recently we went on a month long road trip exploring the beautiful Southwest, visiting family and spending a glorious 2 weeks on magical raw land in New Mexico.

Let me digress here for a moment.  I have mentioned that we have lived for several years in the confines of complicated living.  We have worked very hard to provide for our family and live in a City that provided stability and opportunity for our children.  We have as any good parents do, sacrificed our interests in favor of the growth and interests of our children.  Once freed, we spent time re-evaluating our lives and interests.  These interests had laid dormant for so long that we were both in a state of elation and simultaneously in hibernation.  The onset of stagnation and insecurity came crashing in.  A bigger brighter state of hope and creativity has since followed.  We have, through much contemplation and research both externally and internally discovered, or rather uncovered, a path to follow.  A path that is fulfilling to our own individual souls.

Let me digress further.  Once we became a family.  Saint and I have always had a common goal.  Our goal has always been to build a strong family and a strong compound of safety for our family.  We have accomplished this goal in our current City.  As mentioned above, our children have prospered here and love it.  Saint and I, although have maintained, for them, are not connected to this city's vibration or any city's vibration.  We are Country people.

With that said and with our path to freedom available we have been exploring our options for a new life.  A life of our own, however, we will always have a place for our children.  We all need a place to call home.

In our month long road trip as I mentioned, we spent 2 glorious weeks on a property in New Mexico.  This magical place spoke directly to each of us in it's own special way!  The quiet, the trees, the earth all spoke to us.  We spent days wandering the land collecting crystals from the soil, harvesting cedar and juniper for our bonfires.  We explored the the creek and the mountains.  We had indeed found our place...finally.  

We talked endlessly of ideas for use of these 14 acres.  We created a farm, workshops and a camping venues... On paper.  There is just one catch.  We don't own this land and it was for sale.  

Both believing and knowing that magic is real and that we don't have to sit around waiting for fate, we went into action using our will, the will of the land and God, and put magic to use.  With much meditation, prayer, imagination and work, we put together a working to sweeten the deal we had put together.  We devised a written plan for the use of the land and made clear concise evidenced proof that our plan was not only feasable but profitable.  What happened next was truly magical...

Enter the Honey Jar.

Honey jars are used in several faiths.  In Hoodoo honey jars are used to bring about a sweet outcome for your desires.  Simple.  (Honey jars are not used in dark magic, or used for anything negative.) Honey jars are not for lottery winning either but can be used to sweeten contracts involving money, promotion, inheritance, raises and such.

Let's construct a honey jar together and I will divulge the outcome to our workings with our own honey jar.

You will need:

A jar with a tightly sealed lid. (Small Ball or Kerr canning jars are perfect.)
Personal effects of yours and/or of the person you want to sweeten.
A white candle or a color coordinated candle for your particular working.
Herbs for your working.
Parchment paper or a 4x4 torn piece of brown paper bag (petition paper).
A pen

In this video I show you how to make a money honey jar!  

Let's begin the working...

Cleanse the area you will doing the working with Sage.  Burn Frankincense and Myrrh incense or an appropriate incense for your working.  Set your mood and intention for your desired outcome.  Take a moment to visualize what you want.  Meditate on your gathered ingredients and enliven them for their magical purpose.  Light your candles for the spell work.

Start with your petition paper.  In the center of the petition paper write the person you want to sweeten 3 times in a row.  Turn the paper 90 degrees and write your name across their name 3 times.  In one complete sentence (use positive present tense words) write your desire in a continuous motion in a circle around the names written on your petition paper.  Don't lift the pen until you have completely written the sentence completing the circle.  You can then cross your T's and dot your I's.  Dress the petition paper in an appropriate dressing oil if you have it. ( attraction, van van, money drawing etc.). Place your personal items in the center of the petition paper and fold it toward you as many times as it will fold.  If the personal items are too large then place the petition paper, folded as mentioned above, in the jar and place the personal items on top.  

Next place whatever herbs, curios or stone, crystals, minerals you may be using for this working.  

Pour honey over the petition paper, personal items, curios, herbs etc. until they are completely covered.  

Speak out loud your sweetening request over the jar.  Seal it.

Burn your color coordinated candle on top of the jar and pray an appropriate Psalms.  Pslams 23 is always a great one to use.  If you are into Solomonic seals, place the seal under the honey jar prior to lighting the candle.

Place the honey jar on your altar and burn the appropriate color coordinated candle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on top of the previous burned candles (it is okay if they melt all over the jar) until your desire has been met.  

In conclusion to this blog post, I will let you know that while we were on the land in New Mexcio we did a honey jar working out in the open air after gathering our magical material.  We used creek water, earth, ash from our fires, bark from the trees, crystals from the land, personal items from those we wanted to sweeten and burned white candles so that our pure intentions were known.  We have burned a white candle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday...We did this working on January 9, 2015.  On February 13, 2015 we were gifted the land.  It is ours for our Farm, workshops and camping venue!  Magic works.  

Once you have enjoyed this blog post share the magic on your social media pages.  

We love you!
Toulousse and Saint
 Go over and Favor our shop and enter to win a great prize!

Go over and Favor our shop and enter to win a great prize!

Post your specific honey jar need in the comments and we will forward the ingredients you need!!

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