Thursday, December 1, 2016

The 5 Points of Yoga for Life Transformation (be aware this will getyou off the couch and make you feel better!)

The Yoga System has been around for centuries.  It is a Science and a Spiritual practice.  Each leg of Yoga is correct whether you are using Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, etc.  As long as the practice is attached to the teachings of Patanjali and have a lineage you can trace back to a Master; you are doing what is correct for your body and your Spirit.

Let us not squabble like the religious world about what yoga is the most correct.  The above said is truth so go with it.  The fad yoga's are excluded.

In this blog I want to introduce you to the 5 points of yoga as described by Swami Vishnudevananda of the Sivananda Yoga tradition.   The Sivananda style of Yoga works with 12 basic postures that help your body to meditate, strengthen and relax.  Relaxation between each pose is part of the flow.  Also, in this practice the inversions are done first.  I will explain why in another blog to follow.

With all that said, here are the 5 Points of Yoga.

1.  Proper Exercise
2.  Proper Diet
3.  Proper Breathing
4.  Proper Relaxation
5.  Positive Thinking/Meditation

1.  Proper Exercise - Although pretty self explanatory...proper exercise as a regular part of your day is a neccessary for a healthy body and also for a healthy state of mind.  In this lineage though proper exercise consists of yoga.  All you gym rates might not like to hear that what you are doing is a bit to harsh for your body and may cause issues in the long run...sorry but true.  Sivananda yoga postures although seemingly tough at first are designed in a series to keep the body strong yet supple and helps with our endocrine system and circulatory system.  Yoga creates complete nourishment for the body and keeps the muscles stretched, toned and the body balanced.

2.  Proper Diet - Well guys whether you disagree or not...for me neither here nor there at this point.  Vegetarian diet is the way to go.  Get over the meat and potatoes and the excuse of where do I get my protein.  You only need 3grams of protein or less a day and there are beans and veggies that will give you the right kind of protein.  And for the lazy folks, there are recipes that involve more than just lettuce.  You will have to love yourself enough to be creative and re-wire how you eat.  It can be done.  Your body will love you for it.  Now, know that after you convert to a healthy vegetarian diet after eating a meat diet you will suffer for at least 3 weeks with terrible gas and perhaps bloating as your body expells the toxic rancid meat from your system.  Activated charcoal will help.

3.  Proper Breathing - We are all under the impression that food is our only source of nourishment for our bodies.  Well breath and breathing is one of the most major processes that nourish our cells.  Our breathe is the most important aspect to our lives.  If you don't believe me...stop breathing.  See how long you last.  You can go months without food and weeks without long can you go without breath?  Proper breathe consists of moving stale air out from the lungs and brining air in.  We all breath incorrectly unless of course you have been taught the proper methods.  Most of us have forgotten the correct way to breath and only use the upper portion of our lungs.  We are starving our bodies of much needed nourishing O2!  In order to collect a nourishing breath we have to breath from the belly up to the collar bones.  Most of us when we breath pull our stomach and chest in and up when we take a breath.  We need to be doing the opposite.  Try this.  Sit up straight and place your hand on your belly.  When you inhale push your belly out.  Start filling your belly with air then up to your mid section then to your chest.  As you exhale squeeze the air out and contract your abdomin in toward your spine.  Take the time to practice and get it right.  Don't give up!  This is the proper way to breath.  You will begin to feel the difference in your body and your mind.  I posted a video for you!

4. Proper Relaxation - We all need to do this more often.  Some of us get a few weeks a year to do this or we have a wharped view of what relaxing is when we go for that 2nd or 3rd beer or glass of wine.  Proper relaxation consists of complete surrender of body and mind.  We need to be in a quiet space in complete control of our senses and with the ability to calm down completely.  With a yoga practice you will have the opportunity to get to this state at the end of every practice.  During Savasana we relax our body completely.  With meditation you will be able to bring your mind to a quiet relaxed state over time.  All of this takes practice and patience as you learn new techniques...and I don't want to hear you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

5.  Positive Thinking / Meditation - This type of Positive Thinking isn't the new age version of denying what is around you as reality and living in a happy bubble.  This type of Positive Thinking requires you to put in work and reroute your thought processes and to purify your mind.  This is done through Meditation.  I will tell you how in another blog post.  Positive thinking involves a consistant practice of meditation and a conscious effort to change the frequency of your thoughts and how you choose to see circumstances, people and even yourself.  It requires courage and strength.  Using Meditation everyday even if for only 15 minutes will begin the process of analyzing your thoughts and where they come from.  From here you can begin the transformational work.

All 5 Points of Yoga are humanly possible if you are willing to put in the work and realize what a beautiful creation you truly are.  You deserve to be living a vibrant beautiful life.  You deserve to have a quiet settled mind.  You deserver to have the life you want.

More on the 5 Points of yoga and how you can better gain control of you life and the processes around you in blogs to come.  Pick up a copy of Swami Vishnudevanand's book Meditation and Mantra's.  It is an amazing guide and reference book to transform your life.

Tell me that you like what you read.  Comment below.  I would love to hear from you.

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