Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Shameless Plug but a Great Story! Meet Barry Board...and his story.

Hey Y'all!  I am Barry

Meet Barry Board

Hello there.  My name is Barry.  Barry Board.  It is very nice to meet you.  Hey, if you wouldn't mind, and if you have the time, I would like to bend your ear a bit and explain to you how I got into the position I am in currently!  This was an unexpected adventure for me.  This has been a life changing adventure of mass proportions.  Let me start at the beginning...

There I was minding my own...

You see, I lived in the New Mexico mountains.  I lived peacefully with my neighbors and for the most part, life was really good.  I was in great health and was soaring for the Sky and Sun.  I had sublet some of my space to a Constable of Ravens.  For the most part they were pretty cool, loud but cool.  They had really nicely decorated flats with lots of shiny things.  I had also allowed for them to hold meetings and parties in the others spaces I had available.  All was really really good for a long long time.  The Sun and Rain and Earth were all cool with each other...until one day the Rain and the Earth got into it.  Apparently the Rain had decided that the Earth needed to be moved.  The Rain claimed that the Earth was getting too comfortable and that the she needed to go out and explore a bit more.  These two have a long standing argument about travel.  The Rain has seen so much and has traveled the entire World so we are told.  He always has so much to say when he comes back into town!  You should listen to his stories!  

They argued day and night for about 6 days.  The Rain as persistant as he is just kept pounding away until Earth finally decided to pack her bags and rock children and go for a slide down the mountain and into the creek. Now for most creatures travel isn't that big of a deal.  But for those like me...we just don't do it.  It doesn't suit us well.  And you see here in lies the catch... I may have sublet space but I ultimately rented space from Miss Earth.  If she decides to move...we all move.

So later that evening while I was settling in for the evening and really excited about the Star party chat me and Sylvia Oak had planned,  I was immediately hit with the reality that it may be the last time I saw Sylvia Oak and my Star buddies.  The Earth gave into Rain.  She softened and began to move.  Like I said before my kind don't travel much.  I have lived in the same spot for 50 years.  I liked where I lived.  I liked my neighbors.  But I was moving...period.  She had made her choice.  

The next thing I remember was waking up.  I didn't know where I was or what I was looking at.  All I could see was Earth moving and me being dragged down the hill.  I was going head first down the hill headed toward the creek.  I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.  And I am certain the Ravens will be a bit upset considering they had paid up through the next month!!

So she moved me.  Mr. Rain took off for other lands and Earth has stopped her relocation agenda.  I am here at the bottom of the hill near the creek laying on my side.  The view is so much more different this way.  I am not sure about this neighborhood either.  But I accept my fate and here I lay.  The Sun is still shining and the Sky still blue.

I was laying here minding my own when I hear something I haven't heard before.  There was this sound.  It wasn't the Wind.  It didn't sound like any of my neighbors.  It was a rumbling sound like Thunder but when I reached out and asked who he was, there was no response.  I guess I just had to lay here all exposed and wait and see.  The sound got louder.  I could hear the rocks mumbling and getting all excited that they could now be rolling.  I asked them what was happening.  One tiny little dude up near the top of my fallen branches, this beautiful little pink rock told me that the Soft Barked trees were coming.  I had never heard of or seen a softer barked tree before!  I was hella excited!

I am not going to get into what they looked like.  I bet you are more interested instead in what they did.  And because of what they did...I am telling you this story.  

The loud rumbling came to an abrupt end.  At first the shrieking sound coming from the Soft Bark was inaudible.  I was having a hard time tuning into their frequency.  I kept trying.  I could feel them walking on Earth just behind me.  Their was a softer tone coming into the frequency.  I could almost grasps a word...

Beautiful...isn't it!

This is the first formed sound from the Soft Bark.  I could feel however, that this Soft Bark was excited.  It reminded me of soft Rain or when Wind is gentle.  I wasn't afraid.  The gentle chimes came through the frequency and I was beginning to understand... then the harder Soft Bark chimed in.  This sounded more like the Wolves low guttural tone I had been privy too my entire life.  There was still a level of excitement and dare I say wonderment and awe.  I had figured that these Soft Barks, were as all of us are,  completely enamored with Earth.  But as they drew closer to me, I quickly realized that they were communicating excitement about me!  Little Old Me!

The next thing I know they were putting vine like things around me.  I was in a state of panic.  I could feel the vines getting tighter around my body.  I didn't want to move again...sheesh I had just gotten to this new neighborhood.  The next thing I knew I was being lifted into Air and moving toward something I had never seen before.  I was trembling in my bark and yelling for an immediate explanation.  An explanation that never came.

I knew that I was moving.  I was clumsily being moved.  I was bumped all around on this long contraption that was attached to what I could only guess was the mysterious machines that the elders had talked about.  I had never seen or heard one but what else was I to think.  This machine was moving at a speed I had never traveled.  I could see Sky above me and the Clouds waving happily as they floated by.  And then all went dark.

Ok.  Here is where the story speeds up...

The next thing I know I am being hoisted off the bumpy moving thing and back onto the Earth.  I hear this cracks of thunder.  The closer it gets, the more excited the Soft Barks get.  Once again I am lifted and put down on this long thin thing.  The sound of the thunder machine churning to a deafening tone...the sound is increasing louder like a billion buzzing bees.  All of a sudden I feel the Buzzing Bee machine taking my bark off.  Literally my bark is coming off!  Wait just a isn't just my bark!  Ive have been split in two!  I still feel just like myself, just a little lighter.  I didn't hurt to be split, but it sure as hell did feel really really weird.  I watched as the rest of me was split into halves length wise by the Buzzing Bee machine.  

Then and just as fast as being split length wise I was abruptly cut into squares!!!  The Soft Barks were thrilled to no end.  The softer toned Soft Bark kept exclaiming about how beautiful I was.  She kept saying with each split and or cut that I just got better and better visually.  I reached out to her to tell her that I was cool with my new look.  It seemed that the Guttural Wolf sounding Soft Bark found my best angles!  I was pleased that they could see all of my beauty inside and out!  

The gentle sounding Soft Bark lifted me up in her limbs and held me close as she walked into what I can only describe as a cave.  She was singing and humming like a bird as she walked.  Little excited bits of Electricity jumped from her onto tickled.  I could hear the Wolf Soft Bark using the Buzzing Bee Machine to further enhance my new look.  I wasn't scared or concerned.  These Soft Barks were alright in my book.  

I tuned into their frequency finally as the softer of the two Soft Barks set me down on what she called the shop table.  There was another strange machine sound.  All I know next was that I was being striped of my bark!  I was laughing uncontrollably as she began to run this machine up and down the length and width of my new body.  She called it exfoliation...I call it liberation!  I had never felt so light and free!  She kept on exfoliating me until I was completely smooth.  She kept rubbing her limbs all over my body.  I guess you could say this was my first spa experience...the first of several new experiences and looks and states of being.  These Soft Barks were transforming me.  Once she had me smoothed down and pretty, she began to study me with kind eyes.  She would trace the cracks in my skin with her soft leafs she called hands and fingers.  She told the other that this is the most beautiful thing she has seen.  She then put this sticky sap like stuff into the holes, nooks and crannies of my was magnificent!  The exfoliating process began again as she smoothed the sap stuff into me.  I was beginning to shine and had new skin in places.  It was amazing!!

The Buzzy Machine

Me all Pretty

As I lay there waiting for the next moment, I could see that the rest of me was also having a spa day!  The Wolf Soft Skin was busy using the buzzing machine he called a sander, on the rest of my parts.  All were smoothed down and filled with sap.  I was so shiny and pretty.  Boy did I have a great time.  Who would have thought I would be here now!  

The Rest of Me Getting Spa Treatments

A few days later as I lay on the shop table talking with the other trees that had gotten new looks from the Soft Barks, I wondered how long I could live here.  I had significantly been down sized at this point and didn't know how I would find the space to sublet again.  I was so deep in thought that I hadn't notice that the she Soft Bark had lifted me again and was carefully examining me.  I woke from my thoughts when a soft good smelling substance was poured on me.  It felt like silk and soothed my dry bones.  She rubbed me down with this stuff and man oh man did that feel good.  I got about a 3 day massage with the stuff.  I had never looked so good in my entire life.  I laughed and moaned and rejoiced in the rub down process and felt my being getting shiny and strong.  I couldn't believe that I could feel this good and be this small!  I am a mighty tree!  Now I am an even better looking version of myself...but what now?  Where am I going?  What am I supposed to do with this new look?

Shiny Me!!
Filling Me Up

 Much to my surprise...

The Soft Bark decided that I was so pretty she kept me for her own.  And let me tell you of the adventures I have had now that I can freely move...hey travel isn't so bad.  I have met all kinds of exotic beings.  I spent some time with Tomato and Potato.  One was from Mexico!  I spent time talking with a bunch of cool vegetables like Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrot and this really cool chick Zucchini.  She was from Italy!   I think I may be in love with Garlic.  I have spent hours with new friends and have had the best experience.  I still get to see Earth and Rain just in different forms.  I feel even more special because I help my Soft Barks now.  And hey there is still more of me to share with you!  

So please give the rest of me some more amazing adventures.  I still want to visit the homes of other Soft Barks all over the world!  I bet there are so many more conversations that I can have... won't you be one of my new friends?  The rest of me is waiting for you here:

Come play with me!  Let me see the world!  Let me experience new Friends!


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