Monday, March 13, 2017

What you got in your kitchen? I need some magic!

What you got in your kitchen?  I need some magic!

Did you know the magic you have there right in your kitchen?  Let's take a look at Salt, Cinnamon and Vinegar and some of the Magical purposes!  Nice that most of us have these ingredients already in our kitchen.  These uses are old and have been time proven to work.  So, salt 


Yes even before Supernatural aired, salt has been used throughout the centuries and in long standing history for purification and protection. Although Kosher salt (salt blessed by a Rabbi) is said to be the most powerful, the common salt or sea salt you have in your kitchen can be just as powerful if you bless it.  A blessing is a sincere prayer spoken humbly but with authority.  Here are some of salts magical uses.

🌀Place small pinches of salt in the corners of each room to protect from evil.
🌀Place small pinches of salt in each window to protect from thieves.
🌀Keep unwanted visitors from coming back to your house:
Throw salt mixed with black pepper or sulfur behind the quest as he leaves your door and he won't return.  If you can put a pinch in each foot fall it will work better.
🌀To kill a jinx:  Hoodoo practice:  Mix salt and dill leaf and scatter around your house to counteract the jinx or rootwork an enemy may have thrown your way.

Black Salt is used for evil or dark magic.  This should only be used by seasoned practitioners of magic.  Those that understand the energy and can harness it.

Black Salt is a mixture of salt and charcoal, salt and iron scrapings or salt with black pepper.  Black salt is used for evil or to drive away evil.  Use black salt in your dark practices.


Cinnamon has always been used for good fortune in business, money and in games of chance.  This spicy seasoning can draw in money, cleanse or heat up your love affair.  Long used in romantic spells cinnamon can really spice up any spell!

🌀According to my favorite Hoodoo Shop Lucky Mojo  you can use cinnamon for a complete cleansing of your home.  Especially where some kind of bad mojo, evil or someone done you wrong has taken place.  Mix cinnamon chips with frankincense, myrrh, camphor and sandalwood for a very strong incense.  Burn this mixture on a charcoal disc everyday for 14 days to purify your home.  You can use it as a smudge for your personal self or for someone you love.  This smudge is especially used when someone has vexed you or hurt you real bad.  This mixture can also be used for a spiritual cleanse.   
🌀Effective Money Drawing Spice.  In this video I show you how to use Cinnamon sticks to draw money personally to you.
🌀Get your sexy back with Cinnamon:  You can create a simple love oil with cinnamon chips and juniper berries to draw powerful sexual energy to you and to spice up your sex life.  Just before you get your groove and while in your kitchen mix a few cinnamon sticks and juniper berries to olive oil, use the mixture to dress a Red candle.  Burn the dressed candle in your bedroom or wherever you get down.  It will draw passion and heat.  Juniper berries are very sexual!  I will post another blog about their uses!
🌀You can make a simple cinnamon, sugar and ammonia (or your own urine) floor wash for your business to draw in customers and to cleanse your space.  Mix cinnamon and sugar and a cap full of ammonia to your wash bucket.  Mop the sidewalk or walk way.  Mop toward the door to draw in business.  
🌀Keep cinnamon chips in a red mojo bag in your bra on a date and watch it heat up!

As always speak, think and pray your intent when using spells.


Vinegar has some powerful Mojo!  Use vinegar in spells toward enemies.  Whether you want to send them packing or curse the sucker, use of vinegar powers your intent.  Also because vinegar is a mild acid it can be used in women's love drawing douche, especially when soaked with juniper berries.  Vinegar is the opposite of sweet so it is used for souring a condition or to cause disagreement or to wreak havoc in a situation.  Use vinegar to cause confusion and discord with enemies.

🌀To drive an enemy away or cause them pain use the following: a small mason jar full of vinegar, 9 pins (I like to use voodoo pins or coffin nails), something personal from your enemy (hair, fingernails).  Place the nails and personal item from your enemy into the jar of vinegar.  For nines days in a row, place one of the pins in the jar, with each pen speak your intention for the enemy to the pin.  On the morning of the tenth day burn a black candle dressed with banishing oil .  Burn the candle for nine nights, speaking your intent each night.  On the morning of the 10th day drop the jar in moving water to banish the enemy.  Pour the vinegar in your enemies yard to cause them trouble.

🌀Mix juniper berries and vinegar for two weeks for a lovers douche.  
🌀Mix juniper berries in whiskey for your Man to catch his pants on fire for that hot loving way...this is bonus.  Just give him a shot of the mixture...
🌀Use vinegar to ward off evil by simply mixing it in your mop water to cleanse your house of evil, stagnation or strife.  

These are just some of the spices we already have in our kitchen that can help bring power to your magic.  Remember always that your intent and focus is necessary to increase and direct the power of your spell.  You may also consider using the power of the Moon when using spell work.  In this blog we discuss the Moon and its power

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I love you.

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