Thursday, December 8, 2016

Protection from Evil and from Someone Doing You Wrong.

Throughout the ages, whether dealing with Devils, demons, witch hexes, evil eyes or someone just doing you wrong, protective spells and amulets, rituals and prayers, seals and crossings have been used.  As we continuously desensitize ourselves to the real world around us or just simply chalk our bad luck and trouble to Karma, we continue to subject ourselves not only to misfortune but to evil around us.  Also, we allow others to cause us grief even if minut in nature, thinking we hold no power over the situation or circumstances, or we are just plain scared to take action.  

Some of us have subscribed to Karma and believe that when done wrong that the person will somehow "pay" for it through their Karma.  Some of us subscribe to Karma so deeply that we have become completely passive and allow terrible situations to unfold in our lives.  

In witchcraft there is the idea of the three fold rule that whatever you do comes back to you three fold.  

Fortunately in Hoodoo if someone does you wrong you can send that shit right back to them and in many cases with God's blessing.

Back in the day rituals performed and amulets that were worn were taken seriously.  The magic in the rituals cleared an area of negative or evil energy, or just prevented it altogether!  The simple act of sweeping your porch in the morning was a clearing ritual performed to remove evil from your home.  Amulets were blessed and worn on the body to protect from all sorts of negativity.  Now some of these magical amulets are now just sad fashion statement.  Let's take a look at a few shall we...


Look familiar.  You may a t-shirt from Tilley's or Forever 21 with this symbol on it, or better yet a keychain!  But, do you have any idea what this symbol is or what purpose it serves?  This protective amulet dates back to Mesopotamia and has been found in Islamic, Jewish and in Christian cultures.  This protective amulet is used to ward off the evil eye of others and any evil eye supernatural forces.  Later this amulet was referred to has the hand of God.  Who wouldn't want to be protected by the hand of God?  A Jewish friend of mine, while we were living in Hawaii gave me a Hamsa Hand.  I hung it from our bedroom window.  I have since passed it on to our oldest daughter to protect her while she is out in the City.

At the beginning of this blog post is another protective amulet worn for protection against evil.  It is found in Greek and in Middle Eastern culture.  When I was growing up in Los Angeles one of my best friends was an Armenian girl.  Her mother and aunt were both psychic and read tea leaves.  As a gift, her mother gave me a necklace with an evil eye bead.  She told me to wear it whenever I went out and to hang it from my bedroom window when I was in my room.  She told me that it would protect me from the evil eye of jealous people and of the spirits that I couldn't see.  I still have and wear one today.  I especially gear up when having to meet with my husbands particularly nasty ex-wife or when visiting some of my relatives.  Works like a charm! 

We have all seen a Lucky Horse shoe somewhere over a door way.  We post one above our front door.   Do you know the story and power behind the Lucky Horse shoe?  The Folklore came about prior to the 1800's that if a horse shoe was hung above the doorway with the ends pointing up it would collect all of the good luck floating around and channel it to the home.  

The Pentacle

Now before you get all weirded out by seeing this symbol, let me disspell your ideas of what a pentacle is.  This, first of all is NOT a symbol for Satan or Satanism.  This is a powerful symbol for protection.  Yes, it is used by the Witch culture.  The symbol, when broken down is the four alchemy symbols for Fire, Air, Water and Earth.  The pentacle is used as any other protection talisman. It is used in ritual to guard the person working a spell AGAINST evil.  It is also placed in the home, in window seals to protect the home and the inhabitants.  I have always loved the pentacle.  The elements is portrays are of this earth and are powerful guardians.  I mean who wouldn't want Fire, Air, Earth and Water on their side.  Carrying a Pentacle doesn't make you a witch or devil worshipper.  It makes you a smart individual that understands the power of nature and how She protects us all.

Lucky Rabbits Foot

After you get over being PETA and open your mind to realize the lore behind this Taliman, you will understand it has a place and time in history where people felt the need for natural power.  Luck was far and few inbetween for our ancestors.  It is so easy for us to look down our technology advanced noses at these primitive folks with judgement.  Read history and discover where people were and how they used to live before placing your judgements.  

A lucky rabbits foot dates back to 600 BC and is spread across several cultures.  In Hoodoo the Lucky Rabbits Foot is a serious Taliman for gamblers.  To procure one is part of the magic!  Give this a gander...  This Talisman is taken seriously.  

"The belief in North American folklore may originate in the system of African-American folk magic known as hoodoo. A number of strictures attached to the charm that are now observed mostly in the breach:
  • First, not any foot from a rabbit will do: it is the left hind foot of a rabbit that is useful as a charm.
  • Second, not any left hind foot of a rabbit will do; the rabbit must have been shot or otherwise captured in a cemetery.
  • Third, at least according to some sources, not any left hind foot of a rabbit shot in a cemetery will do: the phase of the moon is also important. Some authorities say that the rabbit must be taken in the full moon, while others hold instead that the rabbit must be taken in the new moon. Some sources say instead that the rabbit must be taken on a Friday, or a rainy Friday, or Friday the 13th. Some sources say that the rabbit should be shot with a silver bullet, while others say that the foot must be cut off while the rabbit is still alive.". 

A lucky rabbits foot is carried by the person or the gambler and isn't a novel keychain! Do you now realize the seriousness in the processes that our ancestors went through for protection and the faith that they held in the Natural forces that are all around us?

As a Hoodoo Rootworker I want to share some of our herbal workings to help protect you or for you to use against someone that has done you wrong.  In Hoodoo as mentioned before, Karma does not apply nor does the Threefold rule that our cousin Witches uphold.  In Hoodoo you are allowed to strike back when done wrong.  We don't have to sit idly by and allow someone's evil to continuously effect our well being.  We can turn all that nastiness back to the person and stand clear of harm or backlash.

Now there are some powerfully nasty folks out there that practice some nasty magic.  They can do harm and will do harm.  One of the best resources you have to guard yourself from these people is #1, do your best not to associate with them.  If that can't be prevented then carry your talisman of choice, pray and read below some remedies for Protection against evil...


1.  Salt - salt your window and door seals to ward of evil or negativity.  No, Supernatural didn't invent this.

2.  Sage - smudge your home and yourself often. Ask us how!

3.  Rue - a Bath in Rue cleanses your body and Spirit of evil/negativity.  Also placing a pinch of Rue in the four corners of your home will keep evil from your dwelling.  Place Rue in a torn 4x4 piece of brown paper bag.  Pray for protection.  Hide the sachet above your door to ward off evil influences.

4.  John the Conqueror Root - powerful mojo you carry in your pocket or in a red flannel bag especially if you are going into a potentially hostile environment.  The name says it all!

5.  Bay leaf - 
* carry in a red flannel mojo bag to ward off negative people.
* if laying tricks on someone that done you wrong, place a leaf in all four corners of your room so that the jinx doesn't come back on you.
* sprinkle crushed bay leaves on your floor when sweeping to clear jinxes or evil.  Sweep it out the door.

6.  Eucalyptus- bathing with a muslin bag full of eucalyptus will cast off evil.

7.  Balm of Gilead - this herb is mentioned in the Bible as a great comforter.  It is said to ease the plight of the broken hearted, to soothe lovers quarrels, and to ease troubles that someone is trying to cause in your marriage.  
* carry a matched pair of balm of Gilead buds in a red flannel mojo bag to protect against the evil eye, curses and hexes.
*. Place matching buds in all four corners of your bedroom and a fifth matching pair under your bed to reconcile sexual discord.
* place a matching pair of buds to steep in a bottle of wine and share with a friend to renew a loving friendship.

8.  Devil's Bit -  place the chips outside your door or under a rug to cast off evil, hexes.
* add the chips to a protective mojo hand along with Rue and agrimony to keep evil away and to return tricks laid on you!

9.  Devil Pod -  carry devil pod in a red flannel mojo hand dressed in Uncrossing oil when surrounded by negative folks or enemies.

10.  Rose hips - place in a red flannel mojo bag along with flax seed for protection.

Get back in tune with the vibration of the world that was created for us.  Use the power she so readily provides to aid in your health and healing.  Use her power to guard yourself.  Don't be fooled into a false sense of security and ignore the signs of your failing health, anxiety or depression.  There is evil out there.  It will affect you.  Take your blinders off and jump back into the stream of real life.  Know your power and connect with intuition.  All of the above mentioned practices have been around for centuries and are deeply rooted in cultures of Olde.  They are not outdated, just ignored... And we suffer.

Protect yourself.

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We love you.


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