Thursday, December 1, 2016


(references from Meditation and Mantra by Swami Vishnudevananda)

Our inability to meditate is due to our inability to relax and sit still.  We are overly stimulated and our nerves are entirely too active.  We attempt to sit and all we end up doing is inviting our Monkey mind to come forward.  We get frustrated because we haven't reached that blissful state of meditation  and give up.  Well let me break some news to you about Meditation.  Everything you believe about meditation being a blissful relaxation of your mind or a place to get a mental massage are WRONG!  That isn't what meditation is for.  Go ahead and have a fit or an ah ha moment then we will proceed.  

Meditation is the systematic approach to purifying our thoughts and the discovery of Who we truly are in the silence of the mind.  This process takes tons of time, consistancy and practice.  We must spend time in the Monkey chatter to decipher and dismiss the unnecessary thoughts.  Once we decipher the chatter from actual impressed thoughts we can begin the process of mind purification which will lead to the Blissful Meditation.  This is a journey and a process.  Take it on as such and you will have success.  Consistant meditation meaning every single day will yield you have it in you to explore your mind?  

Before we even begin our Meditation processes we have a key function that we must master first.  


Before we are able to meditate, we have  to be able to concentrate the mind. We are all able to
concentrate to a certain degree, but due to all of our lifestyle distractions we are used to a
multitasking mindset and a very short attention span.  And although we would like to believe in our ability to multi-task it has been proven in case studies that it isn't truly possible.  We end up stressing the mind and body out in over load.  We truly can only do one thing at time.   Learn to systematically concentrate.  Doing something systematically isn't multi - is called smarts in my book! The mind works from perception so we must through concentration discover what impression we have in the mind.

• The essence of the mind is perception

• By increasing our ability of perception we increase our ability to understand the “bigger picture”

  • We won't be lost in the details

• There can only be one single thought in the mind at any given moment

• The mind can only focus on one thing at a time!
• Example: Focusing the rays of the sun through a magnifying glass

Most of us experience what we like to call Monkey Mind...
• Example: Monkey Mind - constantly jumping from one thought to another

The only way to control the mind is to sit in meditation on the regular and analyse the thoughts.  We can see where they come from and start the process of purifying our minds.  From here we will be able to see the "Big Picture" more waiting for the ripples in a pond to subside before you can see into the pond.

Below I have listed some concentration exercise that we can use to begin our magical process of concentration that will lead us to true meditation...and not just peaceful sitting up sleep state!

• The aim of the concentration exercises is to:
- slow down the thought waves
- prevent the mind from jumping around

• For further information see the chapter on Concentration in “Meditation & Mantras”

Practicing these exercises will help you increase your attention span and enhance your ability to
concentrate, which can boost your memory and benefit your psychological health and help you on the beginning stages of your meditation journey
(1) Counting: Concentrate on the nostrils. Feel how the air gently flows in and out of the nostrils.
Hold the concentration for the full inhalation and exhalation, counting every full respiration. When
you reach to 10 or loose the concentration start all over again at 1.

(2) Metronome: Concentrate on the sound of a metronome (If not available try at 40 - 60 BPM.

(3) Tratak: Place a candle or oil lamp at about eye level 4-6 feet away from you. Concentrate
your eyes on the flame without blinking until tears start to flow and you can not keep them open
any longer. Then close your eyes and concentrate on the soft glowing image of the flame in your
mind until the image starts to dissolve. Then reopen your eyes and resume the practice for a total
of 10 - 20 minutes.

(4) Inner Focal Point: Concentrate on an inner point of concentration either on the point between
the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra), if you are more of a intellectual nature, or in the heart center
(Anahata Chakra) at the middle of your chest, if you are more of a emotional or devotional nature.
Whenever the mind wanders, GENTLY bring it back to the point of concentration.

(5) Nature Contemplation: Sit relaxed in nature and focus attentively on a tree, on the clouds in
the sky, the waves on the ocean, or the stars at night.

(6) Repition of a Mantra.  The universal Mantra is OM.  You can use OM (Aum) or a mantra of your own.  When you start to wonder in thought GENTLY bring your focus to your Mantra.  I like this technique the best.  You can repeat the Mantra out loud or silently in your mind.  Don't get tripped up the word Mantra either.  If you don't practice Buddism or are not a Hindu you can use a Mantra from your religion or Spiritual practice that suits you.  Remove the emotion from it and repeat it.

The beginning stage of focus and concentration can be frustrating.  Don't try to rush or conquer this all in  one sitting.  Be patient.  And by all means do not fall prey to the tricks of your mind..

1)  This is dumb and isn't working.
2)  I am too tired today.
3)  All I do is fall asleep why keep doing this
4)  I don't like this mantra, I'll try a new one
5)  Maybe if I switch up times

Blah Blah Blah...

Make a date with yourself and stick with it.  Learn the technique of concentration then come back and read our blog about Meditation and why we do it.

Like what you read and leave us a comment.  We would love to hear from you!


  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing these tips!!

    1. You are so very welcome!!! Let me know if you have any other questions!
