Thursday, December 8, 2016

How to Use Special Herbs in Your Life to Increase the Odds of GettingWhat You Want!

When you stop to think about it and also do a little of reading you will discover or rather uncover the truth that everything on this planet holds energy.  Take for instance our human existence.  We are made of flesh and bone that has an intricate electrical system. This system send electrical impulses to operate all of our body systems.  This electrical system gives us energy.  The energy is a source of power.  Plants and animals hold the same energy and generate the same power.

Some people have a higher frequency than others and we all use our energy for specific purposes.  Take for instance even our different personalities.  Our personalities although shaped by how we are raised, how we handle our environment and our circumstance is really based on the energy pulses in our system and how they fire in our bodies.  These impulses are a source of power for us all.  Some people are more loving than other, some more sexual, some more open.  There are those that just seem sad, angry or flat out mean.  It really all depends on how you use the energy.  Plants however,  are provided a certain attribute to the energy they provide.  We however, are fortunate to have the power to choose how we use our energy, especially after we take ownership and responsibility for ourselves and our actions.  Some of us do, some don't. 

If we accept this in ourselves we can then realize how our herbs work.  They are energetically designed to perform a certain action.  Some herbs will energetically hold a certain property and function... Just like we do.  Ancient Mystics, science and religions have recognized this energetic function in our herbal friends and have learned to harness the power in the herbs for healing, harming and magic!  

Prior to our current medical system people relied on their village herb doctor or medicine woman to remedy their ailments.  These practictioners  were adept in the use of herbs, roots and minerals.  They prescribed herbs, tinctures and tonic for healing.  Another side to the story is these herb practitioners also understood the energetic power of herbs and used that energy to fuel magic workings.  Native American doctors, Hoodoo Conjure and Rootworkers, Voudon Practioners, Druids, Celts, African, Witches and Chinese Mystics all used herbal magic in several rituals along with mystic understanding of outer world powers.  They understood and harnessed the natural power.  Today although we have seemingly lost our sense and wonder of the magical natural world, but there is a culture of people from all walks of life, religions and national orientation that still use and understand the power in herb magic.

I would like to introduce you to a small list of herbs that are used in Hoodoo practice to this day.  I want you to revert to a time when the world still held fascination for you.  A time when magic still held a place in your heart and your were still part of the natural planet.  This time and space is the real space where we connect to the earth and the very spirits that guide us daily, if we allow it.  Lose yourself into a real realm of life that was gifted to us, prior to being swallowed up in the false world we have created.  


Most of us get sick physically, and most of the time it is because of an emotion stress that is wearing us down.  Our Mystics see past our excuses and get to the root of the issue.  They are connected deeply with the natural world and can see past our linear thinking.  People have, for centuries, sought out the help of our Mystics in all areas of their lives, form illness, love, finance and protection from evil or harm.  They prescribe according to the truth we allow and even prescribe exercises such as meditation to open our spirits back to our source... For healing!  

Let's take a look at some of the herbs used in Hoodoo.  I have compiled a small list of the usual requests.  We will take a look at herbs for love, sex, money, luck and protection.


We have all been elated with love.  That sweet moment in time were the world is so perfect.  You walk around in a parade of butterflies and there is sweet music playing in the air.  You look long at each other with passion and desire burning from your eyes.  Everything she does is so cute and loving.  Everything he does is so perfect and he is so handsome your eyes water when you look dreamily at him.  All your desire is for each other.  You are each other's perfect company... And when apart all you can think about is one another.  Do you remember those times? 

The times where laughter and giggling, soft touches and sweet love were made?  What do you have now?  Do you still feel the same somewhere deep down under all of the crud you have allowed to come between you.  When you look at her or when you look at him does a love vibration flow from your eyes?  Or are your infrequent glances full of ice or pain now because y'all just don't get along?  Do you stay at work late because you just don't want to go home?  Back in the day, before we tolerated bad relationships and before therapy, one of the broken hearted lovers would take a visit to a Hoodoo Rootworker with their tales of woe and heart ache.  The Rootworker would give them a magical working to turn the tides.  (In another blog post we introduced Valerian root and it's magical use to stop fighting in a marriage.  You can read it here 

Whether the Hoodoo Rootworker gave a Mojo Hand, Spell, or a candle spell, herbs would be used.  

Herbs they may have prescribed for internal use, baths or to spread around your home would have the specific vibration for love energy.  They may have given specific instruction for a mojo hand that required specific herbs, prayers and something personal from you and your lover.  

Lodestones were often used because of their magnetic energy.  Two matching red or pink lodestones would be placed into the Mojo hand along with licorice for controlling, cinnamon to heat up the love affair and a bay leaf to promote a long marriage.  The couples personal items such as hair, nail clippings, blood, sexual fluids would also be added.  The hurt lover would be given a red candle to burn and a Psalms to pray over the mojo hand.  He or she would carry the mojo hand with them and watch how their loving relationship would be restored!


Another really hot topic that Hoodoo Practioners dealt with with the power of herbs was to bring someone luck.  When we think of luck it is definitely linked to financial matters.  We, whether we want to admit it, are hoping for that pot of gold or the winning lottery numbers!  Gamblers made lots of use of Lucky Hand herbs and Five Finger Grass oils (lucky has the best Five Finger Grass Oil!).  The Hoodoo practioner would create a batch of Five Finger Grass for the client and give them a Mojo hand filled with other lucky herbs such as, allspice berries, alligator tooth (you have to be bold and lucky to gather one of these!!!) and nutmeg is a gamblers charm indeed as well as cinnamon and sassafras.  

Because we like you, here is a wonderful Lucky Money Mojo hand you can create for yourself:

Place a whole nutmeg seed in a green flannel bag with three silver dimes, allspice berries, cinnamon and Irish moss.  Before handling your money dress the bag with Money Drawing Oil and pray the 23rd Psalm.  Your luck and finances will change!  

The use of Lucky hand root and a rabbits foot dressed in Five Finger Grass will draw luck your way.   

There is a serious matter I want to bring up.  

There are some nasty people and spirits in this world.  The negative energy gets on us.  

We can simply walk into our favorite coffee shop and be witness to a nasty person having a negative interaction with the clerk.  The negative person turns to leave and gives you an evil glance from their angry heart and bam just like that you are now carrying that negativity.  That energy on you connects to any negative energy you may have stored in you and damn it all your day turns sour.  

Even worse is it may attach to you and wait to build more energy.  It may lay in wait till it has grown strong and then really fuck things up at a later date.  (Harsh word for affect ya'll.  worked didn't it!).   

You walk around wondering what the hell has happened to you and why things are going so wrong.  This energy loves for us to be confused and feel victimized and angry at how our circumstances are going bad.  The worse we feel the more power we feed it, the more trifling our existence.   All because some jerk was mad about coffee.  

You don't have to allow this energy to consume or control you.  You have the power to take charge and change your circumstances.  This is also true for people in your life that affect you negatively.  You have the power to stop anything negative that is affecting you, your life or those you love.  

Mother Nature and all of her magic give us the added power and protection for negative energy and our enemies.  We Hoodoo Practioners understand this completely and do not hesitate to fight back with the power she bestows us!  

If you are feeling the negative energy around you, you have the power to stop it.  A simple and extremely affective energy cleanse you can use once a week to cleanse your energy completely is a bath in Rue. Rue should only be used externally as it is toxic if taken internally.  Simply draw a bath and add an half ounce of Rue to the water.  Light white candles for purification.  Submerge in the protection water and visualize all negativity running like hell away from you.  You will energetically cleanse and your vibration will be back on your track.  No more derailing from others negativity.  

Using a sage smudge in your home once a week will cleanse your environment from negativity.  Light your smudge in a fire and heat safe container that is only used for your sage smudge.  I use an abalone shell. When it begins to smoke, walk from corner to corner in each room and closet of your home.  Be sure that all windows and exit doors are closed.  As you walk through you home clearly declare that all things that are impure and negative must leave.  Meditate on the motion and your prayer to cleanse.  Once you have smudged each room of your house, return to each room and open all windows and doors and state loudly, "Out!" as you're sweep the air toward the open window or door.  The evil or negative energy will leave.  Seal your house back up and be at peace that you have restored order in your home once again.  

Use of sage, rue, carrying bay leaf in a mojo hand (mojo bag) to ward off evil, Devils shoe string and eucalyptus are all herbs energetically engineered to help protect you from negative energy, people and places.  

Understand that herbs and plants were given to us to use not just to spice our food, but to heal our bodies and spirits.  Herbs are energetically charged with a specific purpose and connect with our energies to help and to heal.  

I strongly believe in the Power of herbs and plants and fully believe in their magic.  The magic is waiting for us to take it and use it.  I will continue to post blogs on how to use herbs and magic because it is real.  We as a people come from this earth crafted in the magical hands of this Universe.  Call it what you may.  It is real and does work.  You need only to tap into the energy.  We have all witnessed the energy of prayer and how it truly works.  Herbs channel that energy from above and move things into action.  Don't fear any longer and dive back into your magical world.  I'll be here for help.  

As you enjoy reading this blog share it with your social media connection!  

We love you.
Toulousse and Saint

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