Thursday, March 30, 2017

I Broke myself and these Antibiotics make me farty! Healing the Gut!

I Broke myself and these Antibiotics make me farty!  Healing the Gut!

Okay so this is how it happened.  We were returning home from our sawmill guy, the dude that cuts our giant juniper slabs into smaller pieces so that we can create our beautiful natural edged cardboards.  We were 2 miles from home leaving the County Road and onto the dirt road to get home when we came around the corner there was a herd of deer just chilling in the road…

Saint hit the brakes in the CJ7, something caught, we spun around, Lost control, hit the ditch rolled in the Jeep.  The deer ended up being fine (yay!), the jeep has been in better shape, Saint got a little banged up and hurt his shoulder pretty bad hanging onto the steering wheel so that he didn't fall on top of me,  me I got a smashed right-hand and a really fucked up back…
3 days after ER

My right thumb is broken in two places and one of the breaks snapped my poor little thumb bone like a twig!  My right index finger is completely smashed at the carpel.  I have four huge lacerations that required stitches and the transverse Break in my thumb requires that I take antibiotics for fear of infection, bone infection!

And I know some of you might remember that two years ago when I broke my left arm right at the wrist I never even went to the doctor. I used comfrey poultices to heal the bones and also used a mixture of seven essential oils to help with the pain. I am using comfrey politics on my wedge lumbar!  Quite the experience!  

In this particular case because of the lacerations and the way that my hand was broken I had to go to the doctor I had to get stitches and I had to start taking antibiotics so that not only could the broken bones and lacerations heal but it was really important to fight off any infection.  I have sense ,after the ER visit,  have seen the orthopedic doctor And will be in a cast for the next seven weeks I am so thrilled that I have dictation on my MacBook Pro today  I can still blog for you yeah technology!  

So now here I am 28 days later and off antibiotics but damn am I farting and my guts killing me.  

In this blog I want to give some foods that we can eat while on antibiotics and after, to help restore the flora in your gut and to promote healing in the body let's read on…


Okay so we know Antibiotics work to help prevent bacterial infections.  The problem with antibiotics is that not only do they kill the bacteria that may cause you infection, they also kill all of the good bacteria in our guts.  Some of the side effects antibiotics have are intestinal gas and diarrhea, this is a result of the disruption of the species composition in the intestinal Flora.  

Gut flora (gut microbiota, or gastrointestinal microbiota) is the complex community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of humans and other animals, including insects. The gut metagenome is the aggregate of all the genomes of gut microbiota.[1] The gut is one niche that human microbiota inhabit.

All the good bacterial colonies in the gut die along with the bad.

I asked some of my friends that are in "the know" what I can do to help heal my gut.  I am not a fan of probiotics!  Below is a comprehensive list of foods that we can eat to restore balance to our intestinal flora.

My Japanese friend Kito works in the field a genetic biology and suggested to me that in his culture as well as in science fermented Foods can help to introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system.  I myself I'm not the biggest fan of Kombucha, it is a bit too vinegary for me however I do like the brand Bucha, and can tolerate it's taste.  But there are other fermented food that can be eaten other then forcing yourself to drink a vile tasting Blah!  


Benefits: This high-fiber, corn-based complex carbohydrate has a fermentable component Background:  Corn, the base of polenta, earns credit for fostering a healthy gut. Polenta’s insoluble fiber travels directly to the colon, where it ferments into multiple strands of gut flora. It’s good to note that polenta, like kombucha, varies in fermentable components.

Fermented plant-based foods: tempeh and miso

Benefits: Fermented foods, such as tempeh and miso, are trending for a reason. They directly inoculate your gut with healthy live micro-organisms that will crowd out the unhealthy bacteria, improve the absorption of minerals, and improve overall health.
Background: Fermented plant-based foods are probiotics that have been found to improve the health of the intestinal cells, improve immune function, decrease allergies, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and treat diarrhea.
“Meghan Jardine, M.S., M.B.A., R.D., L.D., C.D.E., is the associate director of diabetes nutrition education at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting effective medical practice, higher standards in research, and preventive nutrition.”

Here's a list of other foods to help the healing process…


Benefits: Restores health of the bacterial community, may reduce inflammation
Background: bananas work to maintain harmony among microbes in the bacterial community, known as phyla. This is one reason bananas are a standard prescription for an upset stomach. Bananas may also reduce inflammation, due to high levels of potassium and magnesium.

Broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower - yes I know these are fart makers
Benefits: Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfur-containing metabolites, known as glucosinolates, which are broken down by microbes to release substances that reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung, and stomach cancer.
Background: glucosinolates latch onto carcinogenic intruders in our colon and kindly show these pathogens the way out. Over the long run, this pays big dividends: Studies show people who eat the most cruciferous vegetables reduce their risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. One more reason to load up on leafy greens!


Benefits: Any legume will help release short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that strengthen your intestine cells, improve absorption of micronutrients, and help with weight loss.

Background: Beans feed good gut bugs, heat up your immune system.  They are packed with fiber, protein, folate, and B vitamins, which play a role in regulating a healthy gut.


Having a healthy digestive tract is imperative for our overall health. After all it’s how our bodies absorb and utilize all those amazing nutrients we consume. 

Apples contain a unique type of fiber called pectin, which has been shown to help improve digestion because of it’s soluble nature and ability to bind to cholesterol or toxins in the body and “get rid of them”.

Pineapple We call it Nature’s Candy 

Bromelain. Pineapple also has a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes work together to help your digestive system break down and absorb proteins from the foods you eat!  
And I know somebody may be asking why I just didn't Post a blog about probiotics it's because I hate them and I think it's a stupid fad causing people to eat worse popping a pill to make your stomach feel better! Stop that shit and eat the foods that nature created for us to help us rebuild intestinal flora.  Let’s use healthy habits instead of pill popping insta fix!  RANT OVER!
I hope this is helpful if you've suffered or are suffering from the side effect of antibiotics. Luckily for us Natures always taking care of us in one form or another we just have to listen to her and discover which of her healing properties is best for us. There are probiotic drinks available in the hippie section of regular stores or at health food stores. And just a quick mention raw natural yogurts or yogurts that have live active cultures can also be used to restore a happy gut.
Now that we are in this setback, although it is temporary, we still have our ETSY Store Open although production Will be limited until my hand heels.  Go on over to the shop and give us a favor and you may even win a prize for April!  

We love you!


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Monday, March 13, 2017

What you got in your kitchen? I need some magic!

What you got in your kitchen?  I need some magic!

Did you know the magic you have there right in your kitchen?  Let's take a look at Salt, Cinnamon and Vinegar and some of the Magical purposes!  Nice that most of us have these ingredients already in our kitchen.  These uses are old and have been time proven to work.  So, salt 


Yes even before Supernatural aired, salt has been used throughout the centuries and in long standing history for purification and protection. Although Kosher salt (salt blessed by a Rabbi) is said to be the most powerful, the common salt or sea salt you have in your kitchen can be just as powerful if you bless it.  A blessing is a sincere prayer spoken humbly but with authority.  Here are some of salts magical uses.

🌀Place small pinches of salt in the corners of each room to protect from evil.
🌀Place small pinches of salt in each window to protect from thieves.
🌀Keep unwanted visitors from coming back to your house:
Throw salt mixed with black pepper or sulfur behind the quest as he leaves your door and he won't return.  If you can put a pinch in each foot fall it will work better.
🌀To kill a jinx:  Hoodoo practice:  Mix salt and dill leaf and scatter around your house to counteract the jinx or rootwork an enemy may have thrown your way.

Black Salt is used for evil or dark magic.  This should only be used by seasoned practitioners of magic.  Those that understand the energy and can harness it.

Black Salt is a mixture of salt and charcoal, salt and iron scrapings or salt with black pepper.  Black salt is used for evil or to drive away evil.  Use black salt in your dark practices.


Cinnamon has always been used for good fortune in business, money and in games of chance.  This spicy seasoning can draw in money, cleanse or heat up your love affair.  Long used in romantic spells cinnamon can really spice up any spell!

🌀According to my favorite Hoodoo Shop Lucky Mojo  you can use cinnamon for a complete cleansing of your home.  Especially where some kind of bad mojo, evil or someone done you wrong has taken place.  Mix cinnamon chips with frankincense, myrrh, camphor and sandalwood for a very strong incense.  Burn this mixture on a charcoal disc everyday for 14 days to purify your home.  You can use it as a smudge for your personal self or for someone you love.  This smudge is especially used when someone has vexed you or hurt you real bad.  This mixture can also be used for a spiritual cleanse.   
🌀Effective Money Drawing Spice.  In this video I show you how to use Cinnamon sticks to draw money personally to you.
🌀Get your sexy back with Cinnamon:  You can create a simple love oil with cinnamon chips and juniper berries to draw powerful sexual energy to you and to spice up your sex life.  Just before you get your groove and while in your kitchen mix a few cinnamon sticks and juniper berries to olive oil, use the mixture to dress a Red candle.  Burn the dressed candle in your bedroom or wherever you get down.  It will draw passion and heat.  Juniper berries are very sexual!  I will post another blog about their uses!
🌀You can make a simple cinnamon, sugar and ammonia (or your own urine) floor wash for your business to draw in customers and to cleanse your space.  Mix cinnamon and sugar and a cap full of ammonia to your wash bucket.  Mop the sidewalk or walk way.  Mop toward the door to draw in business.  
🌀Keep cinnamon chips in a red mojo bag in your bra on a date and watch it heat up!

As always speak, think and pray your intent when using spells.


Vinegar has some powerful Mojo!  Use vinegar in spells toward enemies.  Whether you want to send them packing or curse the sucker, use of vinegar powers your intent.  Also because vinegar is a mild acid it can be used in women's love drawing douche, especially when soaked with juniper berries.  Vinegar is the opposite of sweet so it is used for souring a condition or to cause disagreement or to wreak havoc in a situation.  Use vinegar to cause confusion and discord with enemies.

🌀To drive an enemy away or cause them pain use the following: a small mason jar full of vinegar, 9 pins (I like to use voodoo pins or coffin nails), something personal from your enemy (hair, fingernails).  Place the nails and personal item from your enemy into the jar of vinegar.  For nines days in a row, place one of the pins in the jar, with each pen speak your intention for the enemy to the pin.  On the morning of the tenth day burn a black candle dressed with banishing oil .  Burn the candle for nine nights, speaking your intent each night.  On the morning of the 10th day drop the jar in moving water to banish the enemy.  Pour the vinegar in your enemies yard to cause them trouble.

🌀Mix juniper berries and vinegar for two weeks for a lovers douche.  
🌀Mix juniper berries in whiskey for your Man to catch his pants on fire for that hot loving way...this is bonus.  Just give him a shot of the mixture...
🌀Use vinegar to ward off evil by simply mixing it in your mop water to cleanse your house of evil, stagnation or strife.  

These are just some of the spices we already have in our kitchen that can help bring power to your magic.  Remember always that your intent and focus is necessary to increase and direct the power of your spell.  You may also consider using the power of the Moon when using spell work.  In this blog we discuss the Moon and its power

Remember to Plus One this blog on Google~

I love you.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Do you still love me? Then use me for you sustained immunity health already...we still friends!!

There are so many herb choices out on the market now.  Some will work for you and your body chemistry and some won't.  I want to remind you of an oldie but goodie that works well all the time.  Do you know this Flower?

This is our friend Echinacea!  Echinacea is one of the best herbs that you can use for maintenance  for your immune system.   And with Spring in bloom and summer coming it would be a good idea to begin boosting your system!

Echinacea stimulates the immune response and increases your bodies ability to resist infections.  Echinacea can improve the lymphatic filtration and drainage...which we all need after a really long winter!  Echinacea can also remove toxins from the blood.  It supports white blood cell activity!

This King of the Blood Purifiers is considered a non-toxic way of cleaning out your system!
You can use Echinacea as a natural antibiotic on the daily to support you system

Echinacea can be purchased as a tea, tablets or in a tincture.  I prefer tinctures but the tea is quite lovely too!

You can get Echinacea products from Health Food or Herb Stores.  Like most herbs, if you choose to boost your system, use the tea or tincture on a 3 on 1 off system.  Meaning three weeks on and take a week off the herb.  Allow your body to process over that week.  You don't want to tox your system.  Always use herbs safely, look for the contraindications, and ask your doctor if you are taking meds.

I have always loved this herb and the flower would make a great addition to any garden.  

To make a tea:  Boil 10 ounces of water.  Once to a boil turn off heat.  Use one teaspoon of dried Echinacea, add to water and steep for 10 minutes.  Drain with a strainer into your cup and enjoy.  I like to add agave to mine sometimes.  
Simple and short 
Go Boost Yourself!
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Shameless Plug but a Great Story! Meet Barry Board...and his story.

Hey Y'all!  I am Barry

Meet Barry Board

Hello there.  My name is Barry.  Barry Board.  It is very nice to meet you.  Hey, if you wouldn't mind, and if you have the time, I would like to bend your ear a bit and explain to you how I got into the position I am in currently!  This was an unexpected adventure for me.  This has been a life changing adventure of mass proportions.  Let me start at the beginning...

There I was minding my own...

You see, I lived in the New Mexico mountains.  I lived peacefully with my neighbors and for the most part, life was really good.  I was in great health and was soaring for the Sky and Sun.  I had sublet some of my space to a Constable of Ravens.  For the most part they were pretty cool, loud but cool.  They had really nicely decorated flats with lots of shiny things.  I had also allowed for them to hold meetings and parties in the others spaces I had available.  All was really really good for a long long time.  The Sun and Rain and Earth were all cool with each other...until one day the Rain and the Earth got into it.  Apparently the Rain had decided that the Earth needed to be moved.  The Rain claimed that the Earth was getting too comfortable and that the she needed to go out and explore a bit more.  These two have a long standing argument about travel.  The Rain has seen so much and has traveled the entire World so we are told.  He always has so much to say when he comes back into town!  You should listen to his stories!  

They argued day and night for about 6 days.  The Rain as persistant as he is just kept pounding away until Earth finally decided to pack her bags and rock children and go for a slide down the mountain and into the creek. Now for most creatures travel isn't that big of a deal.  But for those like me...we just don't do it.  It doesn't suit us well.  And you see here in lies the catch... I may have sublet space but I ultimately rented space from Miss Earth.  If she decides to move...we all move.

So later that evening while I was settling in for the evening and really excited about the Star party chat me and Sylvia Oak had planned,  I was immediately hit with the reality that it may be the last time I saw Sylvia Oak and my Star buddies.  The Earth gave into Rain.  She softened and began to move.  Like I said before my kind don't travel much.  I have lived in the same spot for 50 years.  I liked where I lived.  I liked my neighbors.  But I was moving...period.  She had made her choice.  

The next thing I remember was waking up.  I didn't know where I was or what I was looking at.  All I could see was Earth moving and me being dragged down the hill.  I was going head first down the hill headed toward the creek.  I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.  And I am certain the Ravens will be a bit upset considering they had paid up through the next month!!

So she moved me.  Mr. Rain took off for other lands and Earth has stopped her relocation agenda.  I am here at the bottom of the hill near the creek laying on my side.  The view is so much more different this way.  I am not sure about this neighborhood either.  But I accept my fate and here I lay.  The Sun is still shining and the Sky still blue.

I was laying here minding my own when I hear something I haven't heard before.  There was this sound.  It wasn't the Wind.  It didn't sound like any of my neighbors.  It was a rumbling sound like Thunder but when I reached out and asked who he was, there was no response.  I guess I just had to lay here all exposed and wait and see.  The sound got louder.  I could hear the rocks mumbling and getting all excited that they could now be rolling.  I asked them what was happening.  One tiny little dude up near the top of my fallen branches, this beautiful little pink rock told me that the Soft Barked trees were coming.  I had never heard of or seen a softer barked tree before!  I was hella excited!

I am not going to get into what they looked like.  I bet you are more interested instead in what they did.  And because of what they did...I am telling you this story.  

The loud rumbling came to an abrupt end.  At first the shrieking sound coming from the Soft Bark was inaudible.  I was having a hard time tuning into their frequency.  I kept trying.  I could feel them walking on Earth just behind me.  Their was a softer tone coming into the frequency.  I could almost grasps a word...

Beautiful...isn't it!

This is the first formed sound from the Soft Bark.  I could feel however, that this Soft Bark was excited.  It reminded me of soft Rain or when Wind is gentle.  I wasn't afraid.  The gentle chimes came through the frequency and I was beginning to understand... then the harder Soft Bark chimed in.  This sounded more like the Wolves low guttural tone I had been privy too my entire life.  There was still a level of excitement and dare I say wonderment and awe.  I had figured that these Soft Barks, were as all of us are,  completely enamored with Earth.  But as they drew closer to me, I quickly realized that they were communicating excitement about me!  Little Old Me!

The next thing I know they were putting vine like things around me.  I was in a state of panic.  I could feel the vines getting tighter around my body.  I didn't want to move again...sheesh I had just gotten to this new neighborhood.  The next thing I knew I was being lifted into Air and moving toward something I had never seen before.  I was trembling in my bark and yelling for an immediate explanation.  An explanation that never came.

I knew that I was moving.  I was clumsily being moved.  I was bumped all around on this long contraption that was attached to what I could only guess was the mysterious machines that the elders had talked about.  I had never seen or heard one but what else was I to think.  This machine was moving at a speed I had never traveled.  I could see Sky above me and the Clouds waving happily as they floated by.  And then all went dark.

Ok.  Here is where the story speeds up...

The next thing I know I am being hoisted off the bumpy moving thing and back onto the Earth.  I hear this cracks of thunder.  The closer it gets, the more excited the Soft Barks get.  Once again I am lifted and put down on this long thin thing.  The sound of the thunder machine churning to a deafening tone...the sound is increasing louder like a billion buzzing bees.  All of a sudden I feel the Buzzing Bee machine taking my bark off.  Literally my bark is coming off!  Wait just a isn't just my bark!  Ive have been split in two!  I still feel just like myself, just a little lighter.  I didn't hurt to be split, but it sure as hell did feel really really weird.  I watched as the rest of me was split into halves length wise by the Buzzing Bee machine.  

Then and just as fast as being split length wise I was abruptly cut into squares!!!  The Soft Barks were thrilled to no end.  The softer toned Soft Bark kept exclaiming about how beautiful I was.  She kept saying with each split and or cut that I just got better and better visually.  I reached out to her to tell her that I was cool with my new look.  It seemed that the Guttural Wolf sounding Soft Bark found my best angles!  I was pleased that they could see all of my beauty inside and out!  

The gentle sounding Soft Bark lifted me up in her limbs and held me close as she walked into what I can only describe as a cave.  She was singing and humming like a bird as she walked.  Little excited bits of Electricity jumped from her onto tickled.  I could hear the Wolf Soft Bark using the Buzzing Bee Machine to further enhance my new look.  I wasn't scared or concerned.  These Soft Barks were alright in my book.  

I tuned into their frequency finally as the softer of the two Soft Barks set me down on what she called the shop table.  There was another strange machine sound.  All I know next was that I was being striped of my bark!  I was laughing uncontrollably as she began to run this machine up and down the length and width of my new body.  She called it exfoliation...I call it liberation!  I had never felt so light and free!  She kept on exfoliating me until I was completely smooth.  She kept rubbing her limbs all over my body.  I guess you could say this was my first spa experience...the first of several new experiences and looks and states of being.  These Soft Barks were transforming me.  Once she had me smoothed down and pretty, she began to study me with kind eyes.  She would trace the cracks in my skin with her soft leafs she called hands and fingers.  She told the other that this is the most beautiful thing she has seen.  She then put this sticky sap like stuff into the holes, nooks and crannies of my was magnificent!  The exfoliating process began again as she smoothed the sap stuff into me.  I was beginning to shine and had new skin in places.  It was amazing!!

The Buzzy Machine

Me all Pretty

As I lay there waiting for the next moment, I could see that the rest of me was also having a spa day!  The Wolf Soft Skin was busy using the buzzing machine he called a sander, on the rest of my parts.  All were smoothed down and filled with sap.  I was so shiny and pretty.  Boy did I have a great time.  Who would have thought I would be here now!  

The Rest of Me Getting Spa Treatments

A few days later as I lay on the shop table talking with the other trees that had gotten new looks from the Soft Barks, I wondered how long I could live here.  I had significantly been down sized at this point and didn't know how I would find the space to sublet again.  I was so deep in thought that I hadn't notice that the she Soft Bark had lifted me again and was carefully examining me.  I woke from my thoughts when a soft good smelling substance was poured on me.  It felt like silk and soothed my dry bones.  She rubbed me down with this stuff and man oh man did that feel good.  I got about a 3 day massage with the stuff.  I had never looked so good in my entire life.  I laughed and moaned and rejoiced in the rub down process and felt my being getting shiny and strong.  I couldn't believe that I could feel this good and be this small!  I am a mighty tree!  Now I am an even better looking version of myself...but what now?  Where am I going?  What am I supposed to do with this new look?

Shiny Me!!
Filling Me Up

 Much to my surprise...

The Soft Bark decided that I was so pretty she kept me for her own.  And let me tell you of the adventures I have had now that I can freely move...hey travel isn't so bad.  I have met all kinds of exotic beings.  I spent some time with Tomato and Potato.  One was from Mexico!  I spent time talking with a bunch of cool vegetables like Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrot and this really cool chick Zucchini.  She was from Italy!   I think I may be in love with Garlic.  I have spent hours with new friends and have had the best experience.  I still get to see Earth and Rain just in different forms.  I feel even more special because I help my Soft Barks now.  And hey there is still more of me to share with you!  

So please give the rest of me some more amazing adventures.  I still want to visit the homes of other Soft Barks all over the world!  I bet there are so many more conversations that I can have... won't you be one of my new friends?  The rest of me is waiting for you here:

Come play with me!  Let me see the world!  Let me experience new Friends!


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

By the Magic of the Moon! Learn Luna Spell Casting by Working with the Moon phases!

By the Magic of the Moon

There are optimal times for casting spells.  As a practitioner you may wish to divine concurrent with the phases of the Moon.  Our La Luna has waxing and waning powers and has powerful energy that you can draw down to aid you in your divinations.  Let's take a look at the different moon phases and the energy and power within each phase...this is so fun!

The Luna is Waxing  ðŸŒ”

When La Luna is waxing the dark side is to your left more or less and the bright Crescent will be to your right.  (Opposite when Waning)  This moon phase begins it rise usually after sunrise and sets after sunset.  From it's beginning growth the Waxing Crescent will grow thicker until the Moon is half circle called the First Quarter Moon.  

Spells to Cast

During the Waxing phase through the First Quarter Moon and even during the Waxing Gibbous 
(rises about noon and sets about midnight) spells that are worked to INCREASE or EXPAND are used.  This is the perfect time to cast Love and Money spells.

Say for example you want a promotion at work, you can cast a spell of your choice, or use a Honey Jar to sweeten the deal.  In this blog you get a step by step on Honey Jar magic

If your desires are:

🌓Increased Health
🌓Hair Growth
🌓Growing Energy
🌓Growing your Business
🌓Success at School
🌓Want to draw Love
🌓Grow Money

Cast your spells during the Waxing Moon to draw the powerful growing energy of the Moon!

The Luna is Full

It takes around 14 days for the Waxing moon to grow into her Full phase.  At this time she rises almost exactly at sunset and sets almost exactly by the next sunrise.  It is so spectacular to see this Beautiful Body when she is full and bright and shiny.  

Spells to Cast

At the full phase La Luna is actually beginning the Waning Phase (discussed below).  It is usually practiced to cast spells the day before Full or in the early hours of the first rise of the full moon.  It is a good idea to plan your spell to culminate before the actual moment of fullness.  Work the spell the night of the approaching Full Moon.  

Spells to Cast during the Full Moon


The Luna is Waning🌖

Just after the Full Moon the waning phase begins.  After the 14 days or Waxing (explained above) there are 14 days of waxing.  The power at this phase is beginning to decrease as our Moon seems to get darker.  The waning phase has our Moon rising in early evening and setting some time after sunrise.  Every night the moon decreases and rises a little later in the evening and this is considered a Waning Gibbous.  ðŸŒ˜

Spells to Cast

Spells cast during a Waning Moon are to DECREASE or DIMINISH.  If you want to cast a spell let's say for break up a relationship, this would be the time.

Spells to cast during the Waning Moon

🌗Banish Poverty
🌗Break a relationship
🌗Rid yourself of Disease
🌗Slow the growth of your hair
🌗Drive away an unwanted neighbor
🌗Remove conditions where you may have been crossed

La Luna is a powerful source of energy that you can apply to your spells.  If and when I cast spells using moon energy, I like to go outside.  I am lucky that I live on a 14 acre ranch so that I can cast in privacy outside.  When we lived in the city however, I would simply climb up onto the roof so that I could be closer and actually see the moon as I drew her down.  

There are apps you can use to determine the phases.  Make sure that you have your potions, spells, herbs, waters or whatever else you are using ready in time for each phase.  If you like I can blog another post regarding tools and ingredients that work best during each phase.  If you are interest plus one this blog on Google Plus.  If I get 5 Plus Ones I will post the blog!!!

As always, use magic carefully and with your full intent.  The energy is here for you.  USE IT!!

I love you.

Remember to Plus One this blog post!

Take care of Yourself.  You are Lovely!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

How to Make a Honey Jar (video)! Draw the Energy down and get what you want!

Just click the above Honey photo and you will be directed to a Youtube video that will give you step by step instructions on how to build a Powerful and Effective Honey Jar!  
(I didn't know any other way to embed the video!)

Honey Jars are explained in this blog post!!!

Enjoy the magic of life.  

We love you!

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Cleansing the Spirit Starting at the Ground Roots...Footsy Anyone?


Just like a tree our bodies are dialed into the planet and the presence of the energies of the planet which are anchored.  It is amazing how much energy we absorb into our grids through our roots. When we absorb an energy, be it positive or negative,  our first point of contact is our Root.  Our roots being our feet.  The energy in our bodies can be shifted and become weighted with the increases of pressure both physically and spiritually.  And if you have been Hoodooed...well then you have to cleanse that curse physically and spiritually.  

⭐In this blog post I would like to show you a simple but extremely effective method that has been used by our ancient ancestors.  This method pre-dates the Abrahamic faiths and has been used throughout time in Sumerian, Hindu, Buddhist, European and African cultures and religions. ⭐ 

Spiritual Foot Bath

A spiritual foot bath can be performed by a Hoodoo practitioner, healer or you can perform your own cleansing ritual.  It is a hands on purification ritual to rid yourself or your client of spiritually unclean conditions.

Whether you are run down physically, beside yourself with emotional stress or someone has tried to do you wrong; a Spiritual Foot Bath will cleanse you and restore you.

Here is some history on Spiritual Foot Baths.  
Ancient Cultures 

Hindu Spiritual and Medicinal practitioners (Ayurvedic) and their faithful have practiced Spiritual Foot Baths for centuries.   These rituals were performed to completely rid a person of ill spirit or to usher in the next spiritual steps the person were to encounter.  Ancient cultures also shared the beautiful ritual of Spiritual Foot Baths between husbands and wives.  They would cleanse each other with the bath, herbs and prayers not only as signs of love and respect but for actual Spiritual warfare. They believed that these rituals would strengthen themselves, their relationship and the family.  

The Abrahamic Faiths

Our Jewish brothers and sisters use Mikvah as a entire body bathing ritual as the final step in a person's conversion to Judaism.  The Mikvah is so sacred it is commanded in Jewish teachings that the actual building where the Mikvah is performed must be built and secured prior to any other buildings construction.  It is also used in marriage ceremonies as a pure cleansing of each person's spirit so that when they are wed under God and Heaven spiritual purity surrounds the new couple.  

Our Islamic brothers and sisters engage in Wudhu a Muslim practice (The key to prayer, as prayer is the key to paradise) a form of water purification before each of their five daily prayers.  In this particular ritual the feet, hands, face, head and all body orifices are purified.

And Our Christian brothers and sisters have adopted their version of the Spiritual Foot Bath from the example of Jesus Christ when he washed the disciples feet during the Last Supper.  
Some Christian denominations, like the Primitive Baptists observe foot washing as an integral part of their sacrament, and place it on an equal level with the Eucharist sacrament of unleavened bread and wine.  
Some Christian paths use foot washing for the Easter season as a reminder of Christ's humility and service to others.   This ritual is also like our ancient ancestors is also performed during wedding ceremonies.

In Hoodoo Practice

The Spiritual Foot Bath is performed when you feel that you have been or come into contact with some powder, trick or root and have been crossed.  I like to add stink eye from coworkers or acquaintances, possession of a spirt or if you are feeling spiritually drained or unclean.  

This procedure will take 15 to 20 minutes after you have gotten your supplies ready.

Here is what you will need:
🌀A basin or bowl or foot bath full of clean warm water (distilled if you have it)
🌀Holy water (1 cup) You can bless your water of obtain it from a priest or holy practitioner
You can also use slightly salted warm water or bless it with Florida water.
🌀Anointing Oil - oils can be purchased at Lucky Mojo or you can bless with prayer a small amount of olive oil.  Be sure that your prayer is sincere and focused as you pray over the oil.
🌀Wash Cloths and Towels - I find it fun to color coordinate with the purpose intended.
Red- fire cleansing and passion
Purple - building Royal ties within the family
Green- body healing
Black - absorb negativity and to find the darkness
and so on
🌀A brand new bar of Sandlewood soap or Lemon Grass soap

The practice of Spiritual Foot Bath will take 15 - 30 minutes depending on the needs of the person.  I must express the need for a reverent loving ambiance to the ritual.  Low lighting and pleasant incense are a bonus.  Prepare your prayer and blessing ahead of time and really get yourself into that space where you are one with the Spirit.

Be sure to have a comfortable chair for yourself and for your client or loved one.  Set your scene.

Once you have your scene set and the person you are performing the Spiritual Foot Bath is comfortable seated and without socks or shoes on their feet, You are ready to begin.

🌀Take a silent moment while holding both feet in each palm of the corresponding hand.  After a few grounding moments, begin with your prayer, innvocation addressing the person's needs.  While praying out loud pour the holy water into the basin and place the person's feet into the basin, continue your prayer.  Speak aloud with respect and authority.

🌀With the new bar of soap gently wash the person feet.  Don't use too much soap!
Wash the feet from heal to toes.  While washing visualize the person concerns being drawn out from the body and out of the toes.  Continue to wash but only up to mid calf.  Then rinse the feet and calves with the wash cloth.

🌀Place the feet in your lap and anoint the feet with Holy Oil and massage deeply.  Massage the Reflexology points of the feet and pay special attention to the solar plexus point to help release the tension and darkness in their core.

🌀Once you feel that the darkness has left, you can say a closing prayer or invocation and then sit in silence for  a moment to hear if the Spirit is speaking to you.  Express if you want any psychic messages you may have received while in ceremony.  If you feel that the ceremony is complete take a moment to look the client or loved one in the eye and state with love and assurance that they are healed.  You can then end the session.

If you are skilled in massage or reflexology or have the ability in psychometry this is a powerful healing tool for you and your clients.

This is such a beautiful and intimate ceremony so don't be surprised if your client or loved one cries or has some other deep emotional reaction.

Be sure to be gentle and loving knowing that there are a lot of people in our world that don't always receive loving touch.  This ceremony is very powerful and will yield the results you desire if your heart and intentions are pure.

And if you are performing this ritual for yourself please use the same loving attention you would use on someone else.  Personalize the experience and let the Spirit move you!!!

After reading this blog please pass it on to those you believe would benefit from it!  Also give us a Plus One on Google.

I love you!

A video coming soon!

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