Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cleansing the Spirit Starting at the Ground Roots...Footsy Anyone?


Just like a tree our bodies are dialed into the planet and the presence of the energies of the planet which are anchored.  It is amazing how much energy we absorb into our grids through our roots. When we absorb an energy, be it positive or negative,  our first point of contact is our Root.  Our roots being our feet.  The energy in our bodies can be shifted and become weighted with the increases of pressure both physically and spiritually.  And if you have been Hoodooed...well then you have to cleanse that curse physically and spiritually.  

⭐In this blog post I would like to show you a simple but extremely effective method that has been used by our ancient ancestors.  This method pre-dates the Abrahamic faiths and has been used throughout time in Sumerian, Hindu, Buddhist, European and African cultures and religions. ⭐ 

Spiritual Foot Bath

A spiritual foot bath can be performed by a Hoodoo practitioner, healer or you can perform your own cleansing ritual.  It is a hands on purification ritual to rid yourself or your client of spiritually unclean conditions.

Whether you are run down physically, beside yourself with emotional stress or someone has tried to do you wrong; a Spiritual Foot Bath will cleanse you and restore you.

Here is some history on Spiritual Foot Baths.  
Ancient Cultures 

Hindu Spiritual and Medicinal practitioners (Ayurvedic) and their faithful have practiced Spiritual Foot Baths for centuries.   These rituals were performed to completely rid a person of ill spirit or to usher in the next spiritual steps the person were to encounter.  Ancient cultures also shared the beautiful ritual of Spiritual Foot Baths between husbands and wives.  They would cleanse each other with the bath, herbs and prayers not only as signs of love and respect but for actual Spiritual warfare. They believed that these rituals would strengthen themselves, their relationship and the family.  

The Abrahamic Faiths

Our Jewish brothers and sisters use Mikvah as a entire body bathing ritual as the final step in a person's conversion to Judaism.  The Mikvah is so sacred it is commanded in Jewish teachings that the actual building where the Mikvah is performed must be built and secured prior to any other buildings construction.  It is also used in marriage ceremonies as a pure cleansing of each person's spirit so that when they are wed under God and Heaven spiritual purity surrounds the new couple.  

Our Islamic brothers and sisters engage in Wudhu a Muslim practice (The key to prayer, as prayer is the key to paradise) a form of water purification before each of their five daily prayers.  In this particular ritual the feet, hands, face, head and all body orifices are purified.

And Our Christian brothers and sisters have adopted their version of the Spiritual Foot Bath from the example of Jesus Christ when he washed the disciples feet during the Last Supper.  
Some Christian denominations, like the Primitive Baptists observe foot washing as an integral part of their sacrament, and place it on an equal level with the Eucharist sacrament of unleavened bread and wine.  
Some Christian paths use foot washing for the Easter season as a reminder of Christ's humility and service to others.   This ritual is also like our ancient ancestors is also performed during wedding ceremonies.

In Hoodoo Practice

The Spiritual Foot Bath is performed when you feel that you have been or come into contact with some powder, trick or root and have been crossed.  I like to add stink eye from coworkers or acquaintances, possession of a spirt or if you are feeling spiritually drained or unclean.  

This procedure will take 15 to 20 minutes after you have gotten your supplies ready.

Here is what you will need:
🌀A basin or bowl or foot bath full of clean warm water (distilled if you have it)
🌀Holy water (1 cup) You can bless your water of obtain it from a priest or holy practitioner
You can also use slightly salted warm water or bless it with Florida water.
🌀Anointing Oil - oils can be purchased at Lucky Mojo or you can bless with prayer a small amount of olive oil.  Be sure that your prayer is sincere and focused as you pray over the oil.
🌀Wash Cloths and Towels - I find it fun to color coordinate with the purpose intended.
Red- fire cleansing and passion
Purple - building Royal ties within the family
Green- body healing
Black - absorb negativity and to find the darkness
and so on
🌀A brand new bar of Sandlewood soap or Lemon Grass soap

The practice of Spiritual Foot Bath will take 15 - 30 minutes depending on the needs of the person.  I must express the need for a reverent loving ambiance to the ritual.  Low lighting and pleasant incense are a bonus.  Prepare your prayer and blessing ahead of time and really get yourself into that space where you are one with the Spirit.

Be sure to have a comfortable chair for yourself and for your client or loved one.  Set your scene.

Once you have your scene set and the person you are performing the Spiritual Foot Bath is comfortable seated and without socks or shoes on their feet, You are ready to begin.

🌀Take a silent moment while holding both feet in each palm of the corresponding hand.  After a few grounding moments, begin with your prayer, innvocation addressing the person's needs.  While praying out loud pour the holy water into the basin and place the person's feet into the basin, continue your prayer.  Speak aloud with respect and authority.

🌀With the new bar of soap gently wash the person feet.  Don't use too much soap!
Wash the feet from heal to toes.  While washing visualize the person concerns being drawn out from the body and out of the toes.  Continue to wash but only up to mid calf.  Then rinse the feet and calves with the wash cloth.

🌀Place the feet in your lap and anoint the feet with Holy Oil and massage deeply.  Massage the Reflexology points of the feet and pay special attention to the solar plexus point to help release the tension and darkness in their core.

🌀Once you feel that the darkness has left, you can say a closing prayer or invocation and then sit in silence for  a moment to hear if the Spirit is speaking to you.  Express if you want any psychic messages you may have received while in ceremony.  If you feel that the ceremony is complete take a moment to look the client or loved one in the eye and state with love and assurance that they are healed.  You can then end the session.

If you are skilled in massage or reflexology or have the ability in psychometry this is a powerful healing tool for you and your clients.

This is such a beautiful and intimate ceremony so don't be surprised if your client or loved one cries or has some other deep emotional reaction.

Be sure to be gentle and loving knowing that there are a lot of people in our world that don't always receive loving touch.  This ceremony is very powerful and will yield the results you desire if your heart and intentions are pure.

And if you are performing this ritual for yourself please use the same loving attention you would use on someone else.  Personalize the experience and let the Spirit move you!!!

After reading this blog please pass it on to those you believe would benefit from it!  Also give us a Plus One on Google.

I love you!

A video coming soon!

Also come hang with us at Toulousse and Saints Creative Work Shop! 


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